“It’s okay baby, just spread your little legs and show your new Daddy that pretty princess pussy.” I coaxed from my little girl as she trembled in my lap. My fingers dug into those supple little thighs, forcing them apart and open so my client could see how young and fresh my daughter was. She was still in tact, and everyone loves to break in a virgin.
I always have and always will sell my young sluts for breeding. With the way their tiny bodies are so tight, so flat, I know a true Pervy PDaddy can’t resist the whimper they give when you first touch their slits. You can hire her to be your little submissive and breedable slut, the one you can’t seem to keep your cock out of! Your wife will get so jealous, you’ll have to put the bitch in her place.
It’s not your fault the new help is so hot and you’re so horny! I know you want to turn her little pussy hole into a cum pool, making it splatter out of her cunt and all over your balls every time you thrust that perverted cock up into her! “Spread your legs, don’t be scared.” I whispered into her ear one more time before Daddy would get an early demonstration..