Tag: snuff phone sex

Sold As A Sex Slave!

Mr. B shared a naughty Fantasy Roleplay with me.  Talk about Hot Phonesex!  Thank you Mr. B!

It’s easier for girls to come to terms with doing things they once wouldn’t have when they fall on hard times. I was a runaway and couldn’t pay my rent. I had always been told what a pretty girl I was so I tried answering some modeling ads. I met up with a guy that said he could pay me immediately.  I went alone. He kind of made me feel uncomfortable but I’d already decided, I was going to do what I had to do. He offered me money to take some pictures but this wasn’t the JCPenny’s catalog, I’d have to show some skin. I took a big breath, put on a smile and posed. Little did I know these pictures would be in a portfolio of young girls being pimped out. Since I was still “fresh”, the price was higher. I didn’t get to go home that night. Instead I found myself auctioned off to the highest bidder and the things he made me do that night…..I’m sore just thinking about it. When a man buys you, it’s different than dating you. He can do whatever he wants if the seller gets paid enough. These men did things they’d to me they’d never share to another living soul. The good news is, once I get too old for the dirty old men my pimp is going to let me take early retirement. He said he promised I’d get home in one piece. I think that sounds reassuring?  GULP!

Let’s Make A Movie

Nanny cams don’t just have to be for little sally or little billy.  I put in a few upgrades for my own evil purposes.  I like to scare the little ones.  Nothing brings me more sheer happiness then to hear the sobs of an innocent little angel, especially when they are writhing in pain or cringing in fear!  Now it’s time to give these cams something good to record.  I’m going to need you to help me you sick twisted fuck.  Oh sure, yeah, you can’t it’s wrong… BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.  Hard to maintain that righteous indignation with such a big fat hard on huh babe?  I know your secret.  You just need a little encouragement.  A little push in the wrong direction.  Or maybe I will tie you up and decide on your fate along with these precious little angels.  If I can’t talk you into helping me make a movie well you’re going to become part of the movie one way or another.  The things I can make these precious toys do to you could make for some wicked movie fun.  I have lots of requests for movies with a violent, final ending.  Now you just tell me.  Do you want to help me make the movie or be part of it?  You are running out of time and I’m ready to get started!

Succumb to Evil

I am a force to be reckoned with. Pure unadulterated evil. I suppose I should come with a warning label because I am extremely addictive. Before you know it you’ll be giving up your perfect little life to become one with mine. It’s so wrong you tell me to look at “them” like that. Oh you mean those sweet little angels? Hmm, I suppose you are right. But since when did doing something wrong not feel right? You’ve tried to hide it but I see right through you. You crave them don’t you. The tiny morsels. The ones too sweet and innocent to put up much of a fight. I do love how you try so hard to convince yourself you are not a monster. We both know the truth. We both know how hard your cock gets when you think of what will become of those little dolls. You know I will force you to break them in every way. You like that it’s me pushing you to do those terrible things. Me I like watching the remnants of your soul drool out until all that is left is that emptiness that I quickly refill with my evil. I will tempt you, you can try to resist but in the end, I will win.  The only losers here are the ones we choose for the slaughter.  Each innocent will taste better than the last.  Trust me… it will be worth it.