Gang Bang Phone Sex altogether now! Cocks in. Locked and loaded. Pumping those massive cocks into this cunt. The mouth. Let us not forget the fucking asshole. To be sure you need to fuck the ass. By all means take me by force. Asking for Gang Bang is just asking for multiples. They don’t ask. It is taken. In other words, fantasy rape.
Don’t fucking ask permission to Gangbang. It doesn’t work that way. With this in mind, fucking bring your buddies. Surround me. Dicks slapping me. Forcing me to my knees. In the long run going to get sopping fucking wet knowing that you are forcing me. Cocks are harder.
Oh, so much fun. Forcing one down my down my throat. Double penetration in the ass and cunt. Ripping me to shreds. How many in the gang can take me at once? I have counted to eight. Double in the ass. To be sure that means two in the cunt. Quickly one, one in the mouth. The next in the tits. Finally, one in each hand. Make it painful.
All in all, going to be the best fucking slut whore initiation in the gangbang hall of fame records. Know any other fucking whore that bangs eight at once. Care to try for more? Slap the fucking ass as you’re forcing me.
Gagging on the cock. From time to time, let me grovel at your feet. Not to beg for mercy. Not in the least. In fact, me on my knees is what you need to show them that is where I belong. Your own personal fucking whore. Taken by the entire gang and still wanting more.
In summary I’m in need of a good Hardcore ass fucking right NOW! Fuck the ass some more. All in all, this fucking whore will keep fucking anything you throw at me.