Tag: snuff phone sex

Accomplice phone sex with My Mini Me

accomplice phone sex

Accomplice phone sex with My Mini Me! Can you imagine a mommy and daughter duo to help you get off? Being the mother to a teen whore who helps me with destruction is so fucking hot! Not to mention deviant mutilation of other little sluts with her helping me makes my pussy cream instantly. I know what you’re thinking I look too young to be a mother.

 But I’ve been a mother to these little bitches on the streets since I was just a teen myself. Always pulling in sweet tight cunt for the pleasure of professional men trolling hooker Lane. And I can’t say that I haven’t been pregnant a couple of times only to do the old coat hanger trick. Yes, my sluts are the ones that I mother to be a little prostitutes and sometimes victims to the men who fucking love them.

Accomplice phone sex with My Mini Me

Says you’re in our mommy phone sex make sure that you know exactly what little holes you want to tear up. I kind of hoped they might be yours. Can we initiate them into the world of prostitution with me and my mini-me transforming them?

Snuff phone sex destroyer of bitches!

Snuff phone sex

Bloody snuff phone sex is intoxicating.  Taking a female or a guy 😉 and just do a mass destruction on their body while we’re fucking them has me going fucking crazy. You know a bad bitch and I don’t mind fucking you or having you fuck me but with blood, it’s just a little better. You can drain me baby or I can drain you as long as we have a nice little victim between us bloody screaming and crying.

Growing up on the streets made something in me snap. Creating the hardcore bitch you see. Fuck love! Sex and evil is the best part of life. The only things I love are a big dick and a nice pussy getting destroyed! I am feeling extra evil these days and can not wait to have a screaming bitch under me as you pound my pussy while I slice her up~ 

Get off with me and my sinful Adult phone chat and let your demons run wild with me! 

Pain Slut Phone Sex Alanza

pain slut phone sex

Enjoy female-on-female pain slut phone sex with your sexy subby whore Alanza. Cum and find out why I love being dominated by another woman so much. I thought I was going to the accomplice but I invited my sexy big titted friend down to our pain dungeon. I know that you needed a little fresh meat I know I did a pre-planned meet-up. And I was going to be your tied-up pain whore. Not that I’m opposed to another brutal female taking her aggression out on my body but I was just surprised. What had I done to make my master so upset with me that he would turn another female into a vicious predator?

Maybe I got too big for my britches and had been given some of the girls to men that I shouldn’t have. You know how pimp daddies are They always want the best of the best for themselves. But here she was choking me on top of me like a rabid fucking beast. Now I am one who loves any form of female bondage you can tie my titties up and make me immobile as you fuck the holy shit out of my body. And just like I did with my master, submission flowed through my veins as I began to worship my newest mistress. Even the hardcore sluts need a little domination sometimes just to remind us that we don’t always have to be in control. 

Hardcore ass fucking is what I deserve


Hardcore ass fucking

Hardcore ass fucking is what I deserve after taking money off the top before giving it to my pimp. Now I run the young sluts and I have a pimp daddy that gets his cut for protecting me, and fucking the living shit out of me whenever he feels like it. What can I say? I love having a mean-ass man fuck me and help watch my back when I need it. As domme as I get I still need fucked into oblivion and whipped from time to time. And Maybe I fuck up shit on purpose so he will hurt me. That huge cock of his is worth every tear in my cunt and sphincter. I had no clue he had found out about my cash stash until I walked into the apartment and was met by his fist. My head swung around and down on the ground I went. I tried to fight, but he overpowered me and knocked me into the next week. I know better than to try to fight him. The jig was up, I was busted and Pimp Daddy took this hooker and laid her on her belly. No lube, just his precum. He had been stroking and thinking about how he would hurt me for hours. From my ass to my mouth, he violently forced his thick fuck stick in and out. Gagging, vomiting, and crying happened a lot as my ass was torn up and the taste of my shit and his cum was all I could taste for days after! One of these days My Pimp is going to take extreme pleasure in killing me. It’s not like I haven’t helped him kill other hoes who do way less shit than I do! 

Accomplice Phone Sex is The Best

accomplice phone sex

I love accomplice phone sex calls. Most folks know I have a dark side. I was raised a submissive whore, but as I got older, I became more of a size queen and GFE. But you can never really take the dark side out of a woman, no matter how much you polish her up. Some men refused to accept me as girlfriend or mistress material. They want me as the victim or the accomplice. I can be either, but I prefer the accomplice. Much more fun to hurt some other girl than to get hurt. So, when Andy called, I knew he wanted me in accomplice mode. We went hunting together for something young and sweet. I love driving around with men, looking for the perfect young victim for their rape phone sex fantasies. There are so many young girls out and about in the warmer weather. I let Andy pick his treat, and I lured her away, so she was easier to kidnap. A woman makes the best accomplice because girls are not afraid of us. I told her I was a model scout and that I wanted to snap some pictures of her for my boss. She came willingly with me and got in the back seat of the car. Andy was driving and we were in the car for a long time. When we got to his rented cabin for the weekend, I made the angel a special lemonade. She passed out cold within ten minutes. Just what we wanted. I am not the morality police. I am a discreet accomplice. If your phone sex fetish is fucking some young piece of ass while she is unconscious, I will help you. I held down our passed-out piece of ass for Andy. I masturbated as he fucked the life out of her. He got rough too. But I was not getting abused, so I don’t care if you want to abuse a young piece of ass either. I am here to help.

Hot Squirting Pussy Of a Murderess

Hot Squirting PussyHot Squirting Pussy of a murderess who enjoys giving pain! Some call me the taboo teen terminator because of my creative ways and sexy blood lust. This snuff whore truly believes that every little cute slut should be a sex toy. But even more than that I enjoy making these girls into disposable sex dolls. Not every little bitch should be on the killing floor, I must admit. Some are my prodigies and know what it takes to get a demonic cock off. The other night I took my accomplice skills to the next level. I had a man who was jacking off over the Naked Teen pictures of his daughter and her friends he found on her phone. He called me up and described every detail of what he saw. I knew that that was going to get nasty and as I rubbed my clit, I had the impulse to help him gather each girl up so he could get his daddy fuck. But as he began telling me that he was interested in my killing skills as well I just about ruined the sheets with my squirt! How would he like to rid this world of their very existence? He was graphic about how he wanted to first beat them to a bloody pulp. Our scene was the slaughterhouse among the sides of beef. My guy told me how he wanted to lengthen the killing by the cold temperatures. And how the hooks would be great for him and a couple of homeboys to rape fantasy fuck all of that Young bald pussy! Well, that just had me squirting all over again!

Accomplice Phone Sex Partner for Your Dark Desires

accomplice phone sexI love accomplice phone sex calls. Why wouldn’t I? I have a dark side. Plus, if I am helping you explore your dark fantasies for some young flesh, you are not hurting me, right? I used to feel badly about helping men hurt other women, but I got over that quickly. It is a survival of the fittest world.  So, when James wanted me to pick him a stupid cunt to fuck, I did not hesitate. I knew just where to look. He did not care much about what she looked like. He wanted young and dumb. There is one of those on every block during the summer. We found one perfect for him. She looked sweet and innocent, but she got into a car with a stranger, so dumb she was. I drove her to a no tell motel where James was waiting for us. James is like most men. He has rape phone sex fantasies for tender age flesh. He just needs someone like me to help him get the girl. Young girls have stranger danger for men, but not women. We can be some of the sickest accomplices too. Not my fault she has poor instincts. James loved her. She was even in a cute Catholic school girl uniform. Once she saw him, she knew she was in trouble. I pushed her on the bed, ripped her clothes off and let James have his way with the dumb cunt. She was a virgin. Bled like a stuck pig. Cried like a little bitch too. In that motel, no one cares about a screaming slut. I made sure she knew why she was there. Because she was stupid. When her screams got annoying to James, I sat on her face, forcing her to eat my wet bald pussy while he fucked her asshole. I thought we should snuff the brat but wanted to scar her life. Give her a reason to never trust anyone again.

CBT phone sex pairs well with bloody snuff

CBT phone sexCBT phone sex pairs well with bloody snuff ! Especially for a man who needs to be split apart by Alanza’s huge supernatural cock. I savor and delight in any form of cock abuse and killing. So when I saw the perfect victim for my large Beast shecock I was on a mission of destruction. Anything to do with savagely splitting a man apart from his anus all the way up his neck is going to get my cunt and cursed cock throbbing. A Siren, and sucubuss from another world preyson men like Chris. Poor snuff victims who just need a hot lady to fuck on the weekend bar scene. My cock knows and feels when a man has horrible deeds and thoughts in his head. She knows who her next snuff victim will be. I love that I am of direct lineage from the great voodoo Queen Marie laveau. Her spells and the potions that I have gotten mixed up in over the years have created a beast with a growing cock hungry for blood.

I met Chris and some skanky lower avenue bar. He was looking for a good time with a mistress of the evening. But after couple drinks out of my flask in the Uber ride he was feeling a little loopy and paralyzed. With just enough strength I put him in my special stirrups and medical exam table. That man didn’t know I what hit him!  My clothes slid off to reveal a 4-in cock on top of my pussy.  But the more I pinched my titties and looked at him sitting there naked legs spread and stirrups some more my beefy cock began to grow. Soon my sheetrock had grown 8 in and I proceeded to get on top with green glowing eyes fucking Chris’s man pussy. And then my monster cock began to grow even more past a foot starting to rip that anus and taint.  So much pain  casued him to scream. Blood pouring out of him is used as my lubrication and body paint on snuff killer Alanza. It’s hot snuff phone sex with a man who needs to be fucked to death by a Latinas voodoo cursed cock. My tit’s Grew to the gigantic enormous melon suffocating size as body parts and organs are devastated by my supernatural gigantic cock. 

biggest cum shot from a killer

Biggest cum shot

My big brown tits are perfect to grab your biggest cum shot splattered.  A sexy accomplice that helps torture and kills souls is always the best cum target. I still can feel my newest snuff lover’s cum dripping down my tits after the perfect kill-and-torture sex. The ex-boyfriend who had beat the shit out of me the week before was currently 6 ft under with a speaker in his coffin. My lover’s cock was so hard as I jerked him real nice and slow under the full moon. The screams of a man being devoured by a small sharp-toothed beast had made him so fucking engorged. We sat there listening to my ex-man beg and plead for his life.

Went we broke into his house to kidnap him I never thought my snuff freak side would come out to play. But here I was stroking his cock listening to our victim being eaten slowly from the inside out. I pushed a button so My ex-boyfriend could hear me, I told him that right now his best friend was big tit fucking me to him dying. That only resulted in more screams and begging. I jerked and titty fucked until my beautiful brown tits were splattered by my snuff lover’s cum! It was so hot, I creamed my panties twice! Let’s do it again! 

A Snuff phone sex young Hooker

Snuff phone sex

Young Hookers like me are often brought in for snuff phone sex because we have lived a gruesome life already. I understand that having a young whore who will do anything for a few bucks is priceless to your sadistic cock. And if you just happen to find one with big tits that love being coated with Jizzy Juice. 

My ex-boss learned the hard way about vindictive snuff girls last weekend. My big daddy and I had a nice sit down with an infected cock. Big D had kept him in his basement while his infected cock began to die in captivity. Perhaps it’s that flesh-eating bacteria that Daddy injected him with. Either way, as I was stroking my man’s cock nice and slow, I was jerking a cock that was falling apart in my hands. I knew when Daddy came he would splatter my chi-chis. I had no clue when my ex-boss came his cock would just burst into a pile of goo! Welp, shit happens. The best part was seeing how good my daddy got off all over my big brown titties as I ruined that pathetic cock!