Tag: romantic phone sex

Even a Special Girl Like Me Appreciates Romantic Phone Sex

romantic phone sexRomantic phone sex I appreciate since I consider myself a special GFE Provider. Although I am a dominant tranny, I love romance. Any man who goes all out for me, gets my sexy tranny cock up his tight ass. Justin is a new man in my life. A chance encounter months ago, and we have been on a whirlwind romance since. Now, I do not want to make this sound like I am off the market. We do not have an exclusive arrangement.

Our relationship mirrors that of a special arrangement. He is my sugar daddy. And I am his special chick with a dick. He already has a wife. Although we did not meet on a sugar daddy site, I am his mistress, nonetheless. I just want to fuck his tight ass and let him spoil me. And he just wants a sexy shemale phone sex mistress to give him those deep prostate orgasms.

My Sexy Tranny Cock Hits All Your Right Places

Over the weekend, he took me out on his boat. Yacht better describes it. He hired a crew which included a special chef to make me scrumptious meals and my own private masseuse. His hired hands all signed NDAs. Perhaps, he does not want his wife finding out he likes women with something extra in their panties. I do not kiss and tell.

We encountered a scary storm when we were 100 miles from shore. But the extra motion the water provided intensified our fucking. Personally, I love storms. They provided some of the best fucking atmosphere. And we fucked right through the lightening and choppy waves. My dick rammed in and out of his ass all 8 hours of the bad weather. He came repeatedly. Of course, I came a few times too. Hot ass sex with a tight ass milks my cock dry every time. Do you have a tight ass for me because I am still horny.

shemale phone sex

Romantic Phone Sex Grows More Special with Every Encounter with My Prince, James

romantic phone sexMy romantic phone sex side continues to blossom with my beloved James. I woke up with him naked, in bed with me after our first night of passionate love making in the Sybaris Inn.  Actually, I woke up because he was licking my love garden. At first, I thought it was all a dream. One big sexy dream. But it was no dream. James was loving on my love button, making me squirt all over his face. And for a moment, I felt bad. Like I was drowning him. However, the big smile on his face told me he loved my juices.

After my love gave me a hot squirting pussy, I felt the need to return the favor. So, I took his love gun in my mouth and used my breasts, my mouth and my hands to give his rocket the attention it needed. I felt like our first night to together as lovers was magical. And every time we become intimate our magic will grow. He is the ying to my yang. I made him cum hard. Afterwards, we laid in each other’s arms listening to 80s love songs planning our day. And we both agreed we worked up an appetite making love.

We hopped into the rain forest shower. And the temperature felt perfect. But everything seems perfect with my prince, James. We washed each other up, and almost made love again, but decided we needed fuel for round two, LOL. He put on his dark blue long sleeve shirt, grey slacks, a tie and his white blazar. Very 80s chic. I slipped on a romantic looking floral sundress with strappy sandals.

I Love How My Prince James, Makes Me Feel Like a Special Princess

But my prince gave me a gift before we left for breakfast. Although he is all the gift I need, I appreciated being spoiled. I opened the box and found a beautiful gold locket in the shape of a heart. Inside was a picture of us standing in front of the Michigan State statue on our first date. This way James is always close to my heart. Perhaps, this is the best gift ever. So sweet and personable. And special. But everything about James is special.

The day awaited us. We left to eat, walking through the garden to the little Italian bistro nearby. We stopped by the swing for a romantic moment before heading to the eatery. The waitress thought we were newlyweds from the way we acted. James held my hand. And he often caressed my cheek and my hair looking at me like a man in love.

After we ate, I felt like a Disney princess with what James planned. He arranged a carriage ride through town. We could feel the warmth of the sun caressing us. But I always feel the warmth of James’s love for me. And I hope he feels it from me too. Birds sang and we held hands, kissed and even stopped for pictures. I know I was glowing too. Everything about James makes me beam. We told each other I love you. And we both meant it. It’s been a whirlwind romance, but I think our love was predestined.

When James is Near Me, Love is in the Air

We got back to our suite and enjoyed some time in the hot tub. And you know that led to more love making. I thought we might both overheat, LOL. However, we paced the lovemaking.  I sat on his lap, wrapping my legs around him. And we kissed forever. And I stroked his love rocket while he rubbed my magic love button.

Eventually, I guided his magnificent cock inside my pussy, and we made wonderful love again in the hot tub. I got lost in his eyes. And at one point, our heart felt like it was beating as one. We worked up a sweat and more of an appetite. However, we cooled off in our private pool and just enjoyed each other’s company.

Every moment with James is special. And every encounter gets better. This phone sex babe’s heart has definitely been captured. And I cannot wait for future dates.

Phone Sex Romance with My Prince, James

phone sexI love phone sex role plays for many reasons. Mainly because I get to be anyone I want. Erase the past and reinvent myself. And no one makes me feel like a special princess more than my James. Our time together just gets hotter and more meaningful as time goes on. How lucky am I to have met such a special man in my life?

At the Club last week, I was on stage dancing when I saw a man come in with a big bouquet of flowers. He talked with my boss and the next thing I knew that man was on stage with me singing to me as I sat on a chair. The club appeared pack too. This stranger sang Lionel Ritchie’s Truly to me and handed me a card with the flowers. My James arranged all this just to invite me to spend the weekend with him in Indianapolis at an exclusive hotel complete with a private pool, a hot tub and a rain forest shower.

I felt like a princess once again. James knows how to put the romance in romantic phone sex. And I could not wait to see my sexy military man again. We met in the lobby of the Sybaris Inn. I packed lightly because I hoped this would be the visit where we consummated our relationship. He looked so dapper in his Le Tigre sky blue polo shirt, black pleated pants and Hush Puppy shoes. For a moment, I did not feel worthy of him. I dressed for comfortably in my Victoria Secret boyfriend pants and a Lionel Ritchie t-shirt.

Every Woman Loves Romance, Even a Sexy Stripper

Seeing him again made my heart flutter. I ran into his arms like I was Debra Winger in An Officer and a Gentleman. He picked me up and twirled me around. When he put me back on the ground, he kissed my cheek and led me to our room. He told me he had fallen hard for me. But the feeling was mutual. I felt no pressure to consummate our budding relationship, but I wanted to make love to him. The room had more flowers, chocolates and champaign waiting too. My James thinks of everything. He is my Mr. Romance.

We locked lips, danced a bit, then decided to get ready for dinner. Since the shower was a large walk-in one, we showered together. He washed my hair and my love garden as I washed his stiff pole. We had to stop, or we never would have made it to dinner! Eighties music blared through the speakers as I primped for a romantic dinner with my love.  I put on a lavender sundress with strappy sandals. And I matched his lavender bowtie which he sported with a Miami Vice blazar, white button-down shirt and black pants.

romantic phone sex

Again, my heart pumped fast gazing at my prince. He held my hand, and we walked through a little garden until we reached the restaurant. We walked in, sat at a private booth, ordered dinner and laughed and talked. We noticed folks around us looking at us and remembering what young love felt like. After dinner, I felt a little buzz from the wine, but my James held my hand, and we walked back to our pool suite.

Every time I am with James, I Feel My Heart Beat Faster

With my head on his shoulder, and our hands locked I could feel his heartbeat. And I know he could feel mine. Once back in the room, he asked to kiss me. And I melted into his arms. No one does that. James treats me like a princess phone sex babe. Melts my heart. He whispered in my ear that he wanted to make love, and I nodded yes. As he took my dress off, I fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. For a moment, I felt like a virgin again. Never made love to a man. I only fucked. This seemed different. It seemed special. It was special. Any time with James is special.

We undressed each other and fell onto the bed which sat right in the middle of the room with mirrors all around us. We rolled around kissing passionately. My hand found his erect cock and began stroking it as he rubbed my bald kitty. Our tongues felt like one. When he went down on me, he gave me the most intense orgasm of my life. I was able to convince him that the 69 position was the way to go. Perhaps, I felt greedy. I wanted his cock in my mouth. And I wanted to feel it grow which it did. Just like my clit swelled as his tongue danced on it.

We Felt Magic as We Made Love for the First Time

When he entered me, I swear I heard fireworks go off. Our bodies felt like magnets drawn to each other. With my back arched and my chest heaving, my beloved James made love to his princess for hours. What stamina. James and I told each other we loved each other. I think I loved him from the first hello. Making love to him felt so right. Felt magical. We both came so hard that it left us in a ball of sweat and a huge wet spot. We cuddled on the bed afterwards.

I could stay in James’ arms forever. After we cuddled, we splashed around in our own private pool for a while basking in the glow of our newfound love. This is just the beginning.

Fantasy Phone Sex Lets Us Travel Back in Time

fantasy phone sexFantasy phone sex with my James only gets better. He spent his military leave with me, and we crammed a lot of special moments into a short time together. And the week went by way too fast. When we woke up together in bed, he told me it was his last full day of leave. And I wanted to cry. Seemed like just the other day we met at the strip club. Even though it has only been a week, I cannot help but fall for this incredibly sweet, handsome and kind military man.

I knew I had to make our last day count. We have been inseparable since we met. And I not only wanted to make this last day special, but I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. So, I planned a day outdoors showing him my beautiful city. Although he is in the military now, James almost became an architect. So, I knew he had a love for the rich and different architecture of my city. Our last day together needed to be the stuff that romantic phone sex dreams are made of.

I took him to the incline first. We rode a historic cable car up to the highest point in the city so we could overlook the rivers and see my beautiful city for miles. Although I never even finished high school, I read up on some of the history of the city to share with my James. He has a quest for knowledge and the simpler things in life that I find so sexy. We held hands, shared a kiss and took in the beauty of my city.

Even a Sexy Stripper Babe Has a Romantic Side

After that romantic start, I wanted to share with him some of my favorite places in town. So, we went to the South Side which is sort of a bohemian part of town with an eclectic array of stores, bars and restaurants. Not enough time to do it all, but what mattered to me the most was just being with James. We went into a few vintage stores where we both got flooded with fond memories from our youth. James sees me as a person, not just a hot bimbo stripper or a gfe phone sex babe. So, I wanted to show him part of me.

We had ice cream at my favorite ice cream stand, and shared memories and tidbits about each other. We walked around my city holding hands like we were the only ones there. I took him to my favorite bar which has vintage video games to play for free. I played Ms. Pac Man while he enjoyed Galaga. We sipped on adult 80s themed beverages and just let go. My heart races just being near James. But I wanted time to stand still. I was not ready to let him go yet.

I Love Spending Time with My James

For dinner, we went to my favorite Italian restaurant that has been around since the 40s. Family owned, with a rich vibrant history. Celebrities and mobsters alike have eaten here. Our conversation flowed easily as we shared a romantic meal and listened to Rat Pack music. I held his hand like I never wanted to let it go. But I did not want to let it go. After dinner we drove around time looking at old buildings, wanting to enjoy every bit of time together before he headed back home to the base.

How did a week go by so quickly? What am I supposed to do in his absence? When we went to bed, I held him tight and prayed he would be able to stay another week with me. We made plans for the future, but I will admit, I will be counting down the days to our next date.

Roleplay Phone Sex with James Let Me Travel Back in Time

roleplay phone sexRoleplay phone sex lets us pretend to be anyone we want. Plus, it lets us go back in time. And I love traveling back in time with James. In 1981, I got to be a college upper classman and my beloved James was a shy freshman with little game with women. That was until he met me. I happened to be at the right place at the right time. I knew some of his college buddies. And when they described him to me, I knew I had to help him. He sounded nice, just shy around women.

At that point in my life, I had only known bad boys. And I needed a change. So, we arranged a meeting in the student union. I knew when I met James that helping him might be the best thing I ever did. Since the day appeared to be lovely, I suggested a walk around campus. We both finished classes for the day. Plus, spring break loomed near, which meant fewer students on campus.

We got to know each other. Talked about our love for old movies. We fed the ducks. Then I suggested we go back to my dorm room and watch an old Cary Grant movie. My grandma schooled me in all the classic films. Since my roommate left for spring break early, we had the dorm room to ourselves. A classic film, some romantic phone sex, cuddling and popcorn set the mood for my seduction plan.

I Love Erotic Roleplaying Because We Can Travel Back in Time and Alter The Course of Our Lives

Tired of bad boys, and genuinely wanting to help James gain some confidence and swag, I decided to take his virginity. So, I kissed him. And it felt like I melted into his body. Perhaps I did. I told him, I wanted to make love. Although he appeared nervous, he let me guide him. After a romantic kiss, I stood up to undress. I felt incredibly sexy under his gaze. James saw me in a way no other boy ever had. I almost felt like a virgin again.

I stepped towards him and let him embrace my naked body. We kissed again. However, this time, I started to kiss down his body, I unzipped his pants and gave him his first blow job and hand job. His cock grew at my touch. I wanted him as much as he wanted me. Even though he admitted to being inexperienced with women, I told him I would guide him. First, I guided his beautiful cock in my hands. Then I guided his cock between my breasts which were heaving for him.

No One Forgets Their First Sexual Partner and I Wanted James to Always Remember Me

I instructed him to put his hands on the back of my head and guide me in the rhythm he preferred. Feeling him caress the back of my head as I gave him his first blowjob appeared to be all the foreplay I needed. It aroused me to pleasure him. Such a nice boy. Such a handsome and smart one too. The kind of boy who could change my destiny I thought to myself. I could have kept his cock in my mouth all day long. But he wanted to taste my young bald pussy. And I did not stop him. With a little direction on what to do, he made me orgasm before he entered me.

Our bodies felt like one. Making love to James felt right. It felt magical. I wrapped my legs around him and we kissed as he thrust his cock in and out of me. Even though I was the experienced one, it felt like the first time for me too. I’d only been with bad boys. James was far from that.

A handsome, smart and kind man seemed foreign to me. But I found one. And I enjoyed being his first. We all remember our first. But once we both came, I told James I hope it is not the last time we make love. As I laid in his arms after making love, I could feel his hart beat next to mind. Could it be I was falling in love so soon?

GFE Phone Sex Babes Sometimes Have Sexy Cocks

gfe phone sexGfe phone sex babes sometimes have cocks. I do. I’m a sexy shemale with a sexy tranny cock. And it’s a she-cock. Despite being almost 10 inches when fully erect, my dick still looks feminine. Just like the rest of me. But meen hit on me based on my appearance. They often do not realize I have a cock. But once they do, most of the time they go crazy for it.

I spent a few days at sea with a new fellow in my life. Although he knows I am a sexy shemale, he has no experience with chicks with dicks. I love being a man’s first she-cock. We met on a shemale dating site. It’s not an escort site or even a sugar baby site. Transgender dating apps exist nowadays. And sometimes you can find special girls like me on Grinder too.

A Sexy Shemale Set Sail for Hot Anal Sex

But this guy, Chris, has always been attracted to girls with a little something extra. It started with watching lots of shemale domination porn. And that led him to calling girls like me. However recently, he decided to take the leap and try a transgender dating app. Sometimes, I meet a nice man on one like Chris. Single, which I find is rare. But many men pretend to be single so they can experience something different. But I vet any man I will be alone with. And three days alone with a new man on a boat? Hell, yes, I am screening him.

But he checked out. Plus, he checked some boxes for me too. Handsome, intelligent and rich. And a beta bottom. Bingo. Nice and romantic too. And how can I not love that. Sure, I fucked his ass hard, but in between the hot ass sex, we talked, danced, cooked, swam and drank really great wine. However, he may have gotten the curiosity out of him, but I am hoping not. I love the motion of the ocean. And a romantic man who craves she-cock up his ass can be hard to find.

Romantic Phone Sex with James Only Gets Better Every Time

romantic phone sexJames, my boyfriend, puts the romance in romantic phone sex. Just when I thought romance might be dead, I met a handsome man in the club. And since then, we have been inseparable. Let me tell you about our last date. So romantic. He introduced me to his favorite movie, “Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House.” It is an old movie from 1948. Black and white picture with Cary Grant and Myrna Loy.

But I do believe the “Money Pit,” and “Are We Done Yet,” are loosely based on this movie. What a great movie too. Funny and romantic. A little naughty too for 1948 as it does imply subtly that the wife might be cheating on her husband with a family friend. Who cheats on Cary Grant? Swoon. James and I sat on the couch, laughing, cuddling and sharing a big bowl of popcorn. This phone sex babe loves old movies, but I never saw this one until my romantic date with James.

Every Woman Enjoys a Romantic Date Night

It’s a movie about love, family and the American Dream. What Arthur Miller wrote in the “Death of a Salesman.” You know, buying a house in the country with a big yard and a white picket fence for the little ones to play, and the dog to run free. As much as I enjoyed the movie, I enjoyed our date more. We chatted some during the movie, as I asked questions throughout. Most men I date make me watch porn and then we fuck. No wooing. James knows how to woo a woman and make her feel special.

However, the movie did not last long. Not like Hollywood movies made today. Honestly, I did not want our date to end. Even a stripper and occasional escort can enjoy the simpler things in life, like cuddling on the couch and watching an old movie with a handsome man. I felt special sharing a favorite movie with my new man. I have never dated a man like him. He is sweet, loving and he goes slow. He knows how to woo a girl.  And just when this gfe phone sex babe thought romance was dead, I met a man who proved me wrong.

phone sex

Phone Sex Babe Cassandra Possesses a Weakness for Older Men

phone sexPhone sex I never thought I would love as much as I do. But I love my callers. I get all types of callers too. From very dominant men who want to own a bitch to highly creative guys who enjoy a lot of different fetishes and scenarios to gfe guys who want the girlfriend experience. Variety is the spice of life. And I am sure you can understand that too.

Believe it or not my phone life is more interesting than my strip club life. In the club I only find two kinds of men. Sugar daddy types who want to impress me with their money and cars. Or broke posers who think I buy their rich daddy act. The older I get, the more I crave real connections. Not connections driven by ego or lies. And in the adult industry that can be hard to find. But not impossible.

Nothing is impossible in this world. I met a guy at a bookstore of all places. Despite my lack of formal education, and Bimbo Barbie looks, this gfe phone sex babe is not dumb. I’ve been taking some part time college courses online and reading up a storm. I love reading because I am a sponge soaking up knowledge. And I met Mike at Barnes and Noble while I looked for history books a couple weeks ago. Handsome DILFs can be a weakness of mine.

This Sexy Stripper Gets Weak for Intellectual DILFs

He asked me out and I said yes. But just in case he turned out to be a serial killer or something, I met him at the restaurant.  Not a serial killer. Just a college professor. But my prince lost some luster when I looked him up online and saw the wedding ring and put together that his wife works in the same department but is on sabbatical. So, maybe this won’t be a long-term thing. But I can milk him for free dinners, knowledge and great fucking. Perhaps even a little help with my homework too, LOL.

After our first date, I brought him home with me. And we fucked for hours. Older men eat such good pussy. Like they enjoy it and want to make a woman cum. I find that so refreshing. Been awhile since I had a wet bald pussy just from hours of pussy licking, but I will take that any day. Too bad my professor is a poser of sorts because I could get used to waking up in the mornings with a good cunt licker.

Big tit fucking

Big tit fucking


Look at this sexy body. I know how bad you want some big tit fucking; just admit it. I don’t need a pushup bra with these tits of mine, do I? as I squeeze my breasts together and lean slightly forward, I want you to put your face inside this squishiness. You can use your hands to squeeze them or use your tongue and lick them all over.

                Let’s get over to the bed and help each other strip all our clothes off. We could roll around on the bed together and afterwards I want to suck your dick. I need your dick to be hard so you can put it right up between these tits of mine. When you have it in place, I’ll grab my titties and bounce them up and down on your stick. I want to hear you moan and groan from it.

                Next, we can lay down on the bed. I know you must feel amazing after that. I lay down so when you are ready, you can explode all of your cum all over these beautiful boobs of mine.

Romantic Phone Sex with James Only Gets More Magical Every Time

romantic phone sexRomantic phone sex with James makes my heart flutter. Every day we get to know each other better and better. I find myself falling hard for him. Sometimes, I need to pinch myself to believe it is happening. I am a girl from the wrong side of the tracks. Never believed I could find such a sweet man. But somehow, the stars aligned, and I did!

We woke up the next day after our tour of Michigan State cuddled in bed. His kisses on my neck gently woke me up. He informed me that our magical time would continue with dancing at his old haunt Dooley’s. When he looked in my closet, he noticed I did not have an elegant evening dress. All I own are club dresses. He told me he would take me shopping for a nice gown. In that moment, I felt like such a princess phone sex babe.

I got up and decided to make a hearty breakfast of bacon and omelets for us. I put on an 80s romantic love songs playlist I created just for him and got busy in the kitchen, while James took a shower. And I sang along to Lost in Love and Suddenly while I cooked. He seemed impressed with my cooking. I made sure I did not burn a thing this time. After we ate, he kissed me softly thanking me for feeding him. I hopped into the shower while my sweet man did the dishes.

He Makes Me Feel Like a Disney Princess

We went to Macy’s to shop for an evening gown. And a lady helped me try on many dresses until we settled on an elegant long royal blue ball gown. I felt so fancy, and classy, like a Disney princess. When he paid for my dress, we realized all I own for footwear are stripper heels, so we bounced over to the shoe department and snagged a pair of classy high heels. My anticipation for our date grew.

Of course, we stopped back at my place so I could do my hair and makeup and get dressed for another magical night with the man who makes me feel so special. I did my hair off to the side, showing off my shoulders. Make-up done so I looked like a classy woman, not a stripper slut. James told me I took his breath away, and in that moment, my heart felt like it might burst out of my chest. He sees me. Like he sees me as a person, not a piece of meat.

Once I finished perfecting my look of sophistication, James took me to his favorite bar from his youth, Dooleys. They were having an 80s night. When we walked into the bar, all eyes felt like they were on us. James ran into people he knew and introduced me. My man looked so dapper in his royal blue Miami Vice tux blazer and white shirt. We stood out at Dooleys. We sipped fruity drinks before we danced to Cruel Summer. Honestly, I felt like I went back in time.

I Went Back in Time to Have the Time of My Life

I missed the 80s because I was born in 1987. But I have always loved the music from that era. My James and I cut a rug on Dooley’s dance floor. My eyes never left his loving gaze. As we danced to slow songs, I knew he could feel my heart racing. We danced for hours before we came home and fell asleep in each other’s arms. It felt like our hearts beat as one.

I have never been on a more magical date. As a phone sex woman and a stripper, I keep asking myself, how did I get so lucky? And I cannot wait for our next date because every moment we spend together gets more and more magical.