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You called with a hunger and hope in your voice. You wanted the Devourer of Souls to lead you down the road to hell. You wanted to become a true Satanist. You knew what you wanted, sweet innocent destruction you said. But you were confused by me. Your voice is so sweet you said. Sweet and evil my bloody friend. Something wicked this way comes and you are leading the pack my dark prince. Innocent doesn’t begin to describe the bitches we described tonight. Once we rid you of that pesky humanity, you will have the fun that up until now you’ve only dreamed of. You just need to put stock in the right things. The Dark Lord knows the way your Pcock twitches in delight at the site of a young one and all the possibilities. They only have one purpose. To be used and tossed aside like garbage. We talked about a few of those tonight didn’t we lol. We danced tonight you and I. We danced on the edge of terror, horror and absolute bliss. It was wonderful. And if a seed ever does take root, yes, as I said, it’s all yours. Good things cum to those who wait. It’s time to do a little praying. You know who to.
He walked up wearing his saggy white nuthuggers and desperately trying to cover what looked like a triple A size battery. The pathetic little dick loser whimpered along the way begging to put his clothes on. He wanted to serve me but expected to do it under his terms? HA. I told him to take those tighty whiteys off so we could begin. The little faggot was nervous. He wasn’t kidding when he said his little clit stick was small. That mushroom cap barely made a full two inches. I was looking at it with a mixture of nausea and disgust when he started crying like a little bitch. He tried to cover it up and beg to put his clothes on. I lost it then. “You pathetic piece of shit. If you blubber one more time I’ll cut your dick off, make you eat it and shove you back inside your mother!” The tears stopped for a short time. He looked like he had been gutted. Then the fun began. ~Wicked Evil Grin~ I invited a group of young friends over. They snickered and laughed at his tiny little nubbin. He tried to argue that even nubbins need lovin and that’s about where my temper took a turn for the worst. I tied him up and had the girls come in real close. Since he had such a disgustingly small dick, what was the point of having a dick at all? I made the girls all give him reasons his dick should be replaced with a pussy. In the end, he begged us to cut it off. That tiny piece of meat was barely big enough to feed a rat!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
You hear what you think is the typical funny sounds of people pretending to crank up chain saws and a wolf howling. Laughing it off and convincing your girlfriend it’s all part of the act you wind your way through my terrifying maze. So many turns, left and right and right and left and then a particularly creepy looking scarecrow chases the two of you with a chain saw until you are so lost you don’t know where the entrance is anymore. You had no idea the maze would be this big. Then you see what looks like a very large wolf run ahead and around the corner. Again you convince your girlfriend that it’s all part of the show. That is until you find the body. A young teenage girl, guts ripped out, bite marks and claws all over her body, clothes torn off and legs spread wide. You try to convince yourself it’s a joke then you hear a piercing howl and see a dark shadow. It looks like a woman with a wolf’s head and as she gets closer you notice she’s covered in blood. She’s not alone, the creepy scarecrow is slowly walking behind her.
You and your date haul ass. She’s screaming and you are still coming to terms that this is no game. In the confusion you get separated. Twenty minutes later you hear her scream and run to her. The scene that assails your vision when you find her is this: The scarecrow balls deep in her asshole, her lifeless body bent over a haystack, the she wolf at her neck, ripping the skin open and eating her. The wolf looks up at you with bits of your dead girlfriend in her teeth and smiles. You scream and run for your life. You won’t get far. I will find you. I will eat you and I will devour your soul. There is no escape from the Mother of All Evil. I’m still hungry for the taste of your flesh and my scarecrow wants to combine the juices of your girlfriend with yours. He’s going to violate you too. You better hope that you are dead when that happens.
Simply put I am the epitome of wicked. I do realize that lots of girls claim they are evil and the “finish” is lack luster. None of that here, I deliver bucket loads of sadistic pleasure. Satan himself trembles when I spin a fantasy of pure evil.
Sensual heartlessness while I guide your cock to a torturous release is my goal. Weaving a path straight to hell with the fantasies that I caress your cock with is my sweet release. Knowing that you had absolutely no idea that I would be “that” nasty is what will make my pussy ache to take you even further in to my world of sadism. You vigorously pumping your cock to a voice that sounds like an angel and a mind that makes humanity weep tears created from bloodshed.
Put your inhibitions aside and give the dark side a try. Be prepared to surpass sexual boundaries that very few ever venture past willingly. The path to hell is a one way road, you will never want to come back to vanilla again.
By the time they put all the pieces together, I will be long gone. The deed is done. The girl in 5B nothing but a memory. It was fun though. I left them with a crime scene to rival the bloodiest killer. I ripped her body to pieces and created a new artistic piece of my pleasing. Only after you were done with her though. You couldn’t help the way that sweet young body made your cock twitch. You knew it was wrong, so fucking wrong. You have always considered yourself a “good” person. Until the moment you let me in. I controlled you. I used your body to torment that poor girl. She was terrified and confused because from her viewpoint, all she could see was the nice older man from down the hall. How sweet it was to see the look on her face when that big hand came crashing down into her face. We loved tearing her clothes off. The sound of that sweet material ripping exquisite. Your cock pulsing harder as you realize her body was in more perfect then you could imagine. Inside your own head you keep thinking, “No, this isn’t me”. Sure babe, whatever helps you sleep at night lol. You may have lost your will but your cock gave it all away. Every thrust of your cock into that innocent little body making your cock scream in ecstasy. It took a long time to wash the blood off your body but it was worth it. I just wish I could see the people that find the body. I bet that will be a beautiful picture. Let me possess you with the bloodiest Snuff Phone Sex.
Nanny cams don’t just have to be for little sally or little billy. I put in a few upgrades for my own evil purposes. I like to scare the little ones. Nothing brings me more sheer happiness then to hear the sobs of an innocent little angel, especially when they are writhing in pain or cringing in fear! Now it’s time to give these cams something good to record. I’m going to need you to help me you sick twisted fuck. Oh sure, yeah, you can’t it’s wrong… BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. Hard to maintain that righteous indignation with such a big fat hard on huh babe? I know your secret. You just need a little encouragement. A little push in the wrong
direction. Or maybe I will tie you up and decide on your fate along with these precious little angels. If I can’t talk you into helping me make a movie well you’re going to become part of the movie one way or another. The things I can make these precious toys do to you could make for some wicked movie fun. I have lots of requests for movies with a violent, final ending. Now you just tell me. Do you want to help me make the movie or be part of it? You are running out of time and I’m ready to get started!
I am a force to be reckoned with. Pure unadulterated evil. I suppose I should come with a warning label because I am extremely addictive. Before you know it you’ll be giving up your perfect little life to become one with mine. It’s so wrong you tell me to look at “them” like that. Oh you mean those sweet little angels? Hmm, I suppose you are right. But since when did doing something wrong not feel right? You’ve tried to hide it but I see right through you. You crave them don’t you. The tiny morsels. The ones too sweet and innocent to put up much of a fight. I do love how you try so hard to convince yourself you are not a monster. We both know the truth. We both know how hard your cock gets when you think of what will become of those little dolls. You know I will force you to break them in every way. You like that it’s me pushing you to do those terrible things. Me I like watching the remnants of your soul drool out until all that is left is that emptiness that I quickly refill with my evil. I will tempt you, you can try to resist but in the end, I will win. The only losers here are the ones we choose for the slaughter. Each innocent will taste better than the last. Trust me… it will be worth it.