Tag: Drugs phone sex

Submissive Phone Sex on Acid is Fucking Amazing!

Submissive Phone Sex

Submissive phone sex while on acid is an amazing fucking trip. My husband called and wanted to take me out to dinner and I got very excited at the thought of having a romantic dinner for two with my husband, he always takes me to the best restaurants in town. We left the house at about seven and headed downtown to a nice steak and lobster house. My husband, as always ordered our drinks and food. I noticed there was this waiter there that kept looking at me, he looked kind of familiar but I couldn’t place him. Anyway, about half way though our meal I started feeling quite strange. Before I left the house I had done a couple of good lines of coke. But it has never made me feel like this before. Things in the room started moving, like tracking. Kind of like watching a movie but frame by frame.

I was really starting to freak out and told my husband there was something really wrong and that possibly I got some bad lobster or something. So my husband went up and talked to our waiter. The way they were talking they seemed to know each other. When my husband came back to the table he said, I paid the bill and we better get you home. On our way home the car lights from oncoming traffic was really messing me. I could see so may colors coming of them, but especially purple. I way then my husband told me the waiter was someone he knew and that the waiter thought he would do my husband a favor so he would have a great night with me and he slipped me some acid! My husband knew I was totally freaking out from this trip I was on and was trying to  talk me though it and keep me calm. He knew I had never even tried acid before.

When we got home he got me undressed and put me into our bed and snuggled to me and held me tight and talked me through the worst of it. Then I realized my pussy was wet and I wanted my husband to fuck me through the rest of the acid trip, so I started rubbing then sucking on his cock until he was full of cum. Then he fuck the shit out of my pussy which totally brought me back to earth so to speak! I didn’t like the acid very much but fucking on acid is an amazing trip I must say! However, I don’t think I’ll be doing that again, I think I’ll just stick with my coke…

Its Snowing!

I am of course REALLY careful with my party favors. I prefer coke and it is to expensive to waste! The things my little ones have to do to get it for me, make me take good care of my stash. That is not saying accidents don’t happen. Because they do. Just a few days ago I had a packet party. To join the party you had to bring a packet of coke. The bigger the packet the better you got to party. As the party was wrapping up my cum covered little whores were bringing me all of their tips. When my dealer passed me a rather large zip lock bag full of stuff. He had just taken a little hit and was passing it to me open! He let go of the bag right before I had a hold of it. The bag fell and hit the coffee table. White powder flew up and went EVERY WHERE! My little sluts looked like they had been baking a cake. Their face and hands were covered in coke! Of course I saved as much as I could, but my the little sluts were flying HIGH. They started playing with their already well used cunts, so I had to call over some friends to help take care of them.

A Coke and a Smile

Submissive Phone SexRecently my husband’s boss came over and told me my husband was getting a promotion but there were strings attached and I was that string, I had to do poppers with him and let him fuck me so that my husband would get the promotion. Well yesterday at work they told my husband about his promotion and let him know there was a huge celebration after work at a very nice hotel downtown. He was so excited when he called me to tell me his good news and told me to wear one of my nicest and sexiest dresses and to meet him at the hotel at 7:30. His boss had rented the ball room and the entire office was there with all their spouses. We had a great dinner and everyone was dancing and laughing and having a great time, it was a very nice celebration and you could tell how happy it made my husband, I was so proud of him and I would never tell him about what I had to do for him to get the promotion.

As the party was starting to wind down my husband’s boss took me aside and handed me a room and a back of coke, he said, here have a coke and smile and we will see you in the room in a little while. I knew my night just went from a celebration to a night of total abuse and pain. As soon as I got to the room I did so many lines of coke that I made sure to get really high so that whatever took place I could handle. It was about 45 minutes before my husband came into the room and I could tell my the look on his face he knew exactly what was about to happen to me, and he moved a chair over to an out of the way corner and sat down. I hurried up and did a few more lines of coke just to make sure I was good and high.

It wasn’t long after that my husbands co-workers showed up, they put these huge pillows under parts of me and tied me to the bed. This made it easier for one to be under me fucking me in the ass while another had his cock in my mouth and then if I remember right they had two cock in my pussy at the same time. They fucked me and shot their cum all over me as well as in me. By the time they were done with me it was about four in the morning. My husband wrapped the hotel sheet around me and gathered my things and carried me out the back exit to the car. I don’t remember getting home or being put to bed, I only know that when I woke up I was in so much pain that my husband had to carry to me to the tub where I soaked until I could finally move. My body still hurts and the bruising on my ass my swollen pussy will take days to heal.

The Perfect Night

My idea of the perfect night is lots of drugs, lots of sex, and lots of kinky fetishes. I don’t care if I am enjoying the company of men or women as long as sex is involved I want it all. I don’t care if we are drinking, popping pills, snorting or shooting, take me to another dimension and fly away with me. And as for fetishes, I have tried all sorts of things; latex, dolls, anal, animal, bondage, s&m, golden showers, and so much more. And I love it all.

What the Fuck are Shrooms?

Submissive Phone SexI think most of you know that recently my husband got a promotion. Well this yesterday morning he called me from work and  said he had some new clients and had pitched some huge deal to them and wanted to invite them to our house for dinner and to try to seal the deal. So I spent the day cooking and cleaning and and making everything as perfect as I could for my husband’s dinner party. When my little man came home from school I sent him to a friends house to stay the night which doesn’t normally happen on a school night but tonight was such a big deal for my husband that I didn’t want him to have any potential disruptions from anyone.

My husband and two of his clients got to our house at about six o’clock and I had everything ready. When they came in after introductions were made I offered them drinks and let them know dinner was ready when they were. They said they were starved and ready to eat so we all headed to the dining room. My husband came into the kitchen where I was getting the food plated to bring to the table and gave me a little bag of coke and said to do a couple of lines, he said he wanted to make sure I had a really good time too.

During the meal one of the men asked for some steak sauce so I went to the kitchen and returned in only a matter of seconds. Once we had finished our meal and the men went into the living room to talk business I began cleaning up, while in the kitchen I started having this really strange feeling and began to hallucinate. I saw things breathing that couldn’t possibly be breathing. The oven door was pulsating and it appeared to be melting.  I got very scared, so asked my husband if he could come to the kitchen for a moment and he did.

I told him how strange I was feeling and he said not to worry, to relax and enjoy the experience, his clients had slipped me some Shroom’s,  I had no fucking idea what that was and started to panic a little. My husband took me to our bedroom, undressed me.  He told me to lay down and relax and said I needed to just let the experience happen.  He knew I was going to like it if I could let myself relax.  He gave me a couple more lines of coke then left the bedroom. I’m not sure how much later it was, but suddenly I heard strange voices in our bedroom and they were talking me through the hallucinations.

Then they were undressed and they sat me on one of the guys lap and he rammed his cock hard up my pussy and they other shoved his cock in my mouth. Their cocks seemed to moving in strange contorted ways and their faces were bending unnaturally. I was seeing things I knew couldn’t be possible. I looked over to my husband’s chair in the corner and he was sitting there so I thought this had to be real. This went on for what seemed to be forever.  When the men left I realized that this must be what it feels like when your gazing through the looking glass. 

My husband carried me into the shower, and leaned me against his chest as he turned on the water.  The sensation of the water on my skin was so intense that I nearly collapsed.  He dried me off and carried me to the bed.  When he stuck his cock inside me the feeling was so intense that I squirted all over him.  He pounded my pussy so hard as I screamed and moaned so loud that it didn’t take long for his cock to explode inside me.  I felt every last drop of his cum inside me, and it was the most amazing feeling I’d ever had.  We drifted off to sleep, and when I woke up the next morning my husband acted like nothing happened.  Was last night real, or am I losing my mind?

Violent Phone Sex

Violent Phone SexViolent Phone Sex is intense and my husband knows how much I love it.  He is always doing things to push me to my limits and I love him for it.  Yesterday he called me from work and asked me to meet him at the hotel by his work for lunch.  I didn’t think this was odd because the company he works for uses that hotel all the time for conference rooms and out of town clients or vendors.  When I got there I saw several different contraptions that I’d never seen before and several men in suits walking around setting up something, but I couldn’t figure out what.  My husband walked into the room and must have noticed my uneasiness, so he led me to one of the bedrooms and gave me some coke. 

When I came out of the bedroom I was grabbed and thrown on the table.  I was bound and gagged, and before I knew it I was completely naked.  The men took turns licking and fingering my pussy and ass and pinching my nipples as hard as they could.  At first the violence scared me, but then they started taking turns fucking me.  The coke must have kicked in by this point because I couldn’t get enough cock, and I started whimpering for more.  My husband noticed right away and instructed the men to fuck me harder and faster.  He sat in a chair across the room watching and grinning the entire night.

My Neighbor Caught Me Trying to Rob His Place

My neighbor is a known addict and usually goes out and leaves his house unlocked.  Mom and Dad went on a three day mini-vacay, and I had my friends come over. We were partying, smoking-up and needed some more of our supply.  I put on gloves and went into my neighbor’s home, right after he went out. Five minutes later, I heard his truck in the driveway. He must have forgotten something and came back home.  I thought, “fuck!  I’m screwed!” I was pissed because I did not get a chance to find anything.  I ran into the bathroom and hid in the bathtub.  Just my luck, he comes into the bathroom to take a piss and sees me laying in his tub (his tub did not have a curtain). He looked down at me and started screaming at me and cursing me out.  He snatched me out of the tub and drug me out of his bathroom. He shoved me into his bedroom and forced me onto the bed.  He threatened to call the cops and  ripped my clothes off.  He stripped down and forced himself on me and took control of my ass. He fucked me so hard, I saw stars! After blowing a huge load in me, he tossed me a sweatshirt and jeans to put on and told me to get the fuck out.

My Kinky Hook-Up with an Older Man from Out of Town, Part II

I held his bloody ‘humble’ package in my hands and stretched the skin with my fingers, until it snapped (tearing the remnants of his cock and balls into bite-sized pieces).  With bloody lips, I kissed my bleeding lover and thrusted my tongue inside of his mouth, sharing his testicles and shaft with him.  I was extremely aroused and felt my pussy juices dripping down my thighs. He ate with me, not realizing what he was eating, as he was barely coherent. After we finished our meal, I pulled out my hammer that was under the bed and shoved the claw of the hammer inside of his mouth and broke and yanked out his upper and lower teeth.He began to cough, choking on his blood. I bathed in his blood; smearing blood from his mouth and groin area, all over my nipples and pussy.  I lubricated my pussy with his blood and thrusted the handle of the hammer inside of my throbbing pussy until I orgasmed. 

Squeaky Clean

So we are all sitting around partying and having a great time. People are starting to take their clothes off and letting our freak flags fly. The night is young and the fun is just beginning with hot wet pussy and hard ass dicks. It isn’t unusual during our parties fort he chicks to end up together with a guy in the middle of them. The guys we hang with love being sandwiched in between two chicks. I have been double teamed by two guys before, interested in fucking the shit out of me. But I have often wondered what it would be to be on the reverse of two chicks into each other with a guy in the middle and make it two guys into each other with me in the middle. Little did I know that tonight was going to be my lucky night. I just so happened to have to go to the bathroom and the one in the hall was in use by several people at one time. So I slid off to the other bathroom in the bed room and there they were in the tub, kissing cousins getting squeaky clean together. They paid me no attention and continued making out while I took a piss, but when I was done I made sure they acknowledged my presence. I took off my clothes and stuck my head in between them licking their throbbing dicks that were touching while they were making out. It was the hottest fucking thing I have ever done. We didn’t re join the party for some time and promised to keep our little threesome a secret for now.

Guns, Drugs & Cash

Drugs Phone Sex

I always have guns, drugs & cash in my safe in the bedroom because you never know when you’re going to need them.  My husband always has things happening that require cash, so he makes sure there is plenty in the safe.  A few months ago we have someone break into the house, but they didn’t want out money, guns or drugs.  They wanted to fuck me because they heard I was a good gang bang kind of girl.  I begged and pleaded for them not to fuck me, but that seemed to turn them on even more.  I couldn’t’ help but get so fucking wet when I saw the cocks they pulled out of their pants.  Four of them were hung like stallions and one guy was hung like a Greek god!  These were the biggest cocks I’d ever seen.  Before I knew it I had a cock in my mouth, one in my ass, one in my cunt and one in each hand.  They kept rotating from hole to hand, and I couldn’t keep track of who was where.  I just enjoyed the ride, but when they left they took the safe with them.  I was gang banged and left without my guns, drugs and money.