Say “Cheese”

Smile for the camera baby. Oh you don’t know there is a camera? I am so sorry, I forgot to tell you it was there. You thought you could control me with your threats and your money and get away with it. Sweet heart you have no clue who you are dealing with. I am the bitch. I am the alpha, the omega, the beginning and the end. You really thought you would fuck this hot, wet, freaky pussy because your wife is a fucking prude and then just treat me any old kind of way? You my friend are about to learn a lesson like no other. Yes I am riding your cock and taking you to the places she never could. Acting like nothing is wrong. All the while the video is recording. This is my revenge. Tomorrow morning when your boss opens his e-mail, guess what is going to be there?  And when your wife opens her e-mail, same thing sugar. And that wonderful site called youtube, guess what video is about to go viral with your name plastered all over it? You thought you were in control and could bring me to my knees? Keep me in control? At your beck and call? Honey you are about to be ruined. I could care less that my pussy is out there for the world to see. You on the other hand are going to be very sorry by noon tomorrow. Never try to pull an ace card when you don’t know what the other person is holding and when you have so much more to loose. Revenge, it is a dish best served cold. And in today’s age of technology and being able to share information world wide with the click of a button, revenge is best served not only cold but via the internet. I would love to be able to see your face when you find out about my little video feed. Thank you for one last fuck. My revenge fuck.

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