Oink Oink Sissy Pig, Even a Fuck Pig is Higher on the Food Chain than You!

humiliation phone sex subby fuck pigGuys tell me I am nothing better than a subby fuck pig all the time.  They get off on humiliating me. Every now and then however, I can take the heat off of me, by presenting my masters with someone beneath me. Someone so pathetic, so worthy of all the humiliation in the world, that I actually look like a goddess to be worshiped in comparison. Take the company piggy here. We will just call her Sissy Fairy Fag. Have you ever seen something so shameful?  This piggy is owned by Mistress Levi. But the benevolent Mistress she is, pimps out her piggy to the rest of us for our amusement and  pleasure. Even us subby fuck pigs enjoy the public shaming and humiliation of sissies.

sissy phone sex humiliationThis sissy piggy actually went to the mall dressed like this. Begging to be humiliated. Asking total strangers to make her oink like a pig. Be careful what you ask for Sissy Fairy Fag, because you may get it tenfold. Not only did mall goers have fun shaming this sorry excuse for a human, but now I get to add salt to the wounds by outing her on my blog as the most pathetic piggy around. The only thing beneath a fuck pig, is a sissy pig. At least I serve a higher purpose than pure humiliation. I showed MY Master her pictures and he has some very special plans for this little piggy. As a fuck pig, I get cream in all my pretty little holes. Since Sissy Fairy Fag wants to be outed as the pig she is, my Master  thought it would be fun to make her clean out my dirty, filthy cum drenched holes. ” Oink Oink, slurp, slurp little Piggy. Drink from MY trough!” I can’t stop laughing. Since Mistress Levi is kind enough to share her piggy, my Master and I are going to  enjoy humiliating her. You can too. Now you got her number too!

submissive phone sex humiliationNever in a million years could I be as pathetic and shameful as Mistress Levi’s Sissy Fairy Fag. And, if you are a sissy, don’t think for a moment I won’t publicly shame you too. Even a subby fuck pig is higher on the food chain than a sissy fairy fag. Oink Oink loser.


  1. Oink Oink!

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