He told me to have my little girl at his house at 9pm. I am not going to lie, I didn’t have a penny to my name and was completely sober so he could have told me to bring my lil girl to Peru and I would have swam her there on my back for some cash.
I dressed her up all pretty just like he wanted. In a little pink tutu , ballerina tights and a little pink halter top. Of course they don’t really make ballerina tights small enough to fit her right so I had to tuck them a lil bit but they looked adorable enough that as soon as he answered his door I saw his dick do somersaults in his pants.
He didn’t even want to take her clothes off. He just pulled her lil halter top down so he could suck on her lil tiny nipples and ripped a hole in her ballerina tights right between her legs so he could rub his dick on her little kitty. He got a lil irritated when I wouldn’t let him do that until he paid up but for fucks sake I wanted to damn get high!