You called with a hunger and hope in your voice. You wanted the Devourer of Souls to lead you down the road to hell. You wanted to become a true Satanist. You knew what you wanted, sweet innocent destruction you said. But you were confused by me. Your voice is so sweet you said. Sweet and evil my bloody friend. Something wicked this way comes and you are leading the pack my dark prince. Innocent doesn’t begin to describe the bitches we described tonight. Once we rid you of that pesky humanity, you will have the fun that up until now you’ve only dreamed of. You just need to put stock in the right things. The Dark Lord knows the way your Pcock twitches in delight at the site of a young one and all the possibilities. They only have one purpose. To be used and tossed aside like garbage. We talked about a few of those tonight didn’t we lol. We danced tonight you and I. We danced on the edge of terror, horror and absolute bliss. It was wonderful. And if a seed ever does take root, yes, as I said, it’s all yours. Good things cum to those who wait. It’s time to do a little praying. You know who to.