Tag: sexy college girl porn

All Girl Production

Sexy College Girl PornI had one film under my belt now so I felt like a real porn star but I had so much more to learn! My agent sent me to this audition for a sexy college girl porn film. I assumed that it would be the typical film, you know girl gets fucked by guy, maybe two guys, the average film. Well guess what! Apparently, this is an all girl school!

Well, I figured this would be the most boring movie ever! What are we going to do? Lick each others pussy for an hour! Again, I had a lot to learn!

We started out the normal way, kissing, undressing each other, Then one of the other girls brought out a dildo and rammed it in my snatch! I love sex, that is why I wanted to be a porn star in the first place. But sex with a fake cock is completely different than the real thing, especially when someone else has control over it!

She kept shoving it in my cunt as the other girl sat on me so I couldn’t move! I was really enjoying it… feeling her soft thighs straddling me and the moistness from her own cunt dripping on my back!

I was not sure how much more I could take and then I heard this loud machine! It was not the sound of a vibrator! One of the girls had taken the dildo out of my soaked pussy and shoved it hard in my ass tearing that tight fucking hole! But what the hell was that noise! I couldn’t see anything! Then I felt it….ramming my sore pussy like a jack hammer! Fucking me hard! Over and over and over!

Hot juices flew out of me, drenching everything with in 4 feet! I had never felt anything like that! If there was anyone else in the room, I wouldn’t have known!

It was the most explosive orgasm I had ever experienced! We fucked each other with those tools all afternoon! Showering each other with never ending orgasms! Squirting each other with intense force!

When we had finished, there was not a dry spot in the room, We were drenched from our hair to our shoes!

I was addicted! How could I ever go back to regular guy porn! I wonder if there is a man out there that could make me squirt like that?

Strap-on Phone Sex

Exhibitionist Phone Sex on the Street

exhibitionist phone sex LaceyI love the warmer weather! But who doesn’t right? Pants and shirts are getting shorter, shirts are getting tighter, and everyone’s getting more energy for fun in the sun! It’s the best time for some exhibitionist phone sex!

I decided to go out in town the other day and take some pictures. I didn’t care who all was out there! I definitely drew some looks, though!

sexy college girl porn Lacey

It’s not very often that you see a girl flashing her tits on the street. There were cars driving by, people strolling by on the street, but I didn’t care – I shared it all!

school girl phone sex Lacey

And of course, I even flashed my cute little cooch of mine. What photoshoot would be complete without some good ol’ snatch?

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By the time my friend who was taking the pictures was wrapping up, I’d amassed quite a collection of onlookers waiting to get my number! Were you one of them? I’d love to hear from you!

voyeur phone sex Lacey

professional trainer needed

hot phonesex janieOK, So I have made a decision in my career. If I am really going to be a porn star, I have to start working on my act.

I have been on photo shoots before so that is a no brainer. And I have certainly been practicing the art of fucking. I figured I pretty much knew everything I needed to know but no movie offers yet. I know I am young but everyone lies about their age so that can’t be it.

I think I need someone with a little more experience. Someone who “knows his way around”. I am not learning anything from these silly little football players  and bachelor party guys. Don’t get me wrong…I enjoyed the vanilla stuff and it is a nice treat once in a while, but it is time I learned how to fuck like a real porn star….and that’s where you cum in.

So I have decided I need a trainer. This could include multiple sessions. It may be a lot of practice. It could get very messy and may, on occasion, include a girlfriend (or two) and maybe even some “equipment”. It’s up to you. You are in charge. I will do anything you want me to!

I mean, I DO have to learn everything!

So I don’t have a lot of money and I was thinking we could work out a deal? Please call if you are interested. This position needs to be filled immediately!