The feeling of paper in my hands was only matched in gratification by the gyrating of my hips on a thick cock. I counted my green one bill at a time, dripping need down tonight’s stud. Two thousand one hundred, two thousand two hundred, it was intoxicating. A warmth flowed up from below at a rhythmic pace and I couldn’t tell what I liked more, the luxury in my hand or the steadily pumping big dick messing up my insides just the way I like it. I could feel his heartbeat through his throbbing, and I bounced my hips just right so my ass slapped against his thighs. Three thousand, I finished counting my recent haul, and dropped my hand deep below. I ran a tingly finger over my cunt’s happy button before gripping his balls. I felt them thrumming, desire flowing, I wanted it all inside me. I turned back towards him and gave him a look that made my demand clear, and he gave my womb every single last drop his huge cock could give. He had such a nice spunk that I couldn’t help but relish the hot feel of it all flowing into my womb.