Medical Phone Sex Hot and Sexy Fun With The Sexy Lacey

Who loves a fun Medical Phone Sex  roleMedical Phone Sexplay? It’s hot as hell! There’s something about the mix of power dynamics, vulnerability, and taboo that really gets people going. Plus, let’s be honest – those scrubs are kinda sexy on a man. Here’s an example scenario:

*Walking into the exam room with a sultry smile* Hi there, Daisy. I hope you don’t mind if I start without your permission. After all, it is my job to make sure everything is in working order down there.

*Blushing and nervously chuckling* Go ahead…I guess…just do what you have to do…

Perfect! Now then, let me just get these gloves on…mmmhmmm…and spread your legs for me sweetheart. *Slowly slides fingers along my inner thigh before parting them wide* That’s it – now we can really get started!

As you begin your “examination,” you lean in close to whisper dirty little secrets in my ear, your breath hot against my skin. Your fingers trace circles around my entrance before dipping inside to tease and probe gently. “Mmmm…you’re so wet already,” she murmurs with a wicked grin. “I bet you’ve been thinking about this all day, haven’t you?”

I gasp as you begin to penetrate me slowly with one finger, then another, stretching my tightness until it feels almost unbearable.  That hurts!” I cry out in mock pain while arching my back in pleasure.

You produces a thick rubber cock from behind your back with a wink as you lube it up expertly before guiding it towards my cunt. With one swift motion, you impales my wet pussy  on the massive dildo, moaning loudly at the sensation of being filled so completely by something otherworldly large and hard.

I begin to ride hard and fast on that fake cock – grinding against every inch of it like there’s no tomorrow! The sight alone is enough to make any man watching lose control; seeing this gorgeous pussy take charge like this is beyond hot!

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