Hot ass sex is inevitable with me. But only if you are worthy! I do not give up my ass for just anyone. This little poser at the club thought he could fuck my ass with a tiny dick. As if I would soil my body with something so worthless. He was allowed to worship my ass, but not fuck my ass. We were in the VIP room, which he was only able to afford because he put it on three credit cards. He thought I would not know, but the bartender who runs all the charges for the VIP room always tells us when we break someone’s piggy bank. They do not want us duped into thinking that someone can afford us when they cannot. I can usually spot a poser, but I always appreciate a heads up. I am a professional gfe phone sex babe and a size queen. I may not require as big of a cock for my ass as I do for my pussy, but this guy had three inches at best. I have no holes that want that sorry excuse for a dick, LOL. I sat my ass on his face, however, until he could not breathe. He said he loved my ass, now was his chance to prove it. I did not give him much choice. Toss my salad until I was satisfied or suffocate on my lady humps. I twerked my hot ass back and forth on his face, giving him a little breathing room. I shamed his tiny dick while he rimmed my ass. He should have felt grateful he even got to touch my fine ass being a broke ass loser with a tiny dick. I deserve so much better. Hell, any woman does. He could not run out of the VIP room fast enough when his time was up. Silly boy. You want to give me a hardcore ass fucking you need a lot more that a limp noodle to accomplish that task.