Extreme Snuff phone sex delights

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One might say I peddle to extreme snuff phone sex perverts. And they would be right, I sling my ass here and on the streets for filthy fucked up men. I know that dark desires must be pandered to! The full moon made me especially deranged and my blood lust was unparalleled. I was training a new whore to find Johns with deep pockets and I noticed track marks on her arms. Not a problem, if she was using under my care. Hiding her needle marks made me so fucking pissed, that means that means she is skimming dough. That stupid teen bitch! I set her up to be a real profitable whore. Now she would be a risk, and had to make sure I made money off my investment.

Old dirty Mike had an idea. There was a big baller with a sick fetish in town that had put out feelers for a little Mexican girl. I dolled this baby girl up and had Old Mike tell him that I would be sending him a special delivery, but I needed to be the accomplice phone sex whore on watch. My legacy proceeded me and he agreed. With a needle full Of black tar I brought a present up to the penthouse’s suite for him to torture and fuck until she over dosed on the bathroom floor. No biggie he has goons who made sure they erased all evidence! The scene is fresh in my mind and I need to let it all out and make you and me cum with it! accomplice phone sex


    • Jack on February 1, 2023 at 6:03 PM
    • Reply

    Hi, how dark will you go? Nothing off the table. Accomplice, I do mother teen daughter, you beat on mother as she watches and cums…mother daughter fight until mom snuffs daughter, we then shame mother into offing herself.
    Late afternoon or really early morning.

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