Cum Slut Phone Sex fuck-a-luscious freaky slut sucks cock. To begin with going to pull that cock out, give it a spit shine. Hocking a loogie on it, just to pull it into my mouth. Hands wrapping around your shaft. Applying pressure. As soon as the cock is in my mouth, need to be spit roasted. A cock enters the ass and the cunt.
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Pull the balls into my mouth. Clamping down with my teeth and tugging on them. Going to make you howl with pleasure and pain. I would like to see you try and keep it quiet while I am being a Cocksucking phone sex whore in public.
Now you have an idea of just how much this freak slut loves to suck on cock. Showing one and all just how much I will be the cum queen for all to see. Cum down my throat, in my ass, up my cunt. You know name I want it there. On the tits, the belly, even the feet. So many body parts to be covered in cum.
In Summary let me show just what a cum whore I am.