I had a black cock phone sex dick in my ass, that’s really all I should have to say for most stories, you get it, I get it. I got fucked hard, got left a steaming pile of cum leaking down my cheeks, and I had a great time doing it. This was different, mainly because I was picked up. His legs were under my thighs, his massive cock was pressing into my asshole hard, and I knew not what to possibly say besides “fuck me hard!” Even still, with all of that, this is still just a normal story. I like getting assfucked, I like getting reamed, I don’t even need a guy to buy me dinner first, most of the time that is dinner. I’ll happily skip a meal if it means getting anally wrecked and shown my place as a black girl phone sex worker. What made this special, was his friend right in front of me. My legs parted for him so he could see my vulnerability. He not only got to see where the dick was in my ass, he got to observe my pussy from up close. He got to decide exactly how he was going to shove his cock into my pussy and drive me crazy. Two dicks at once? I wasn’t sure exactly how I’d take that, but I knew it’d be insane. I was right. The very moment he split me open and shoved himself deep into my leaky cunt, I knew this was going to be something else entirely. Overcome, overwhelmed, overstimulated, I loved every second of it but my head spun like wild and that meant I barely got to focus enough to take in memories. They worked together, sawing away at my insides to drive my head blank and set a precedent that I am ready to play at any time, even to the extreme. It doesn’t matter the setting, I’m down for cock worshiping phone sex.
What a sexy little girl you are. I love our calls.