I absolutely love to fuck! I love to fuck females. I love to fuck males. Hell, I even love to fuck myself! I’ll fuck an older person, but I love fucking youngsters! I saw a young guy at a sporting event, and I just had to have him. After the game, I pushed through the cheerleaders and approached him, before he could escape to the locker room. I told him to skip the after-game bullshit, and cum with me! I grabbed his hand and placed it up my skirt on my bare, panty-less ass. He gave it a timid squeeze, and began to follow me to my car. I took him home with me, and we hopped in the shower together. I blew him, while the water cascaded over his young, buffed body. He stopped me after a few minutes, and took me from behind. With my face against the tiles, he unloaded a heavy nut deep inside me.
The best thing about young boys is their stamina. He was ready to go again, before we were even done drying off! He threw me on the bed, and ate my pussy like he was famished. Then, he slid inside me, and made me cum over and over again. My pussy just kept getting wetter and wetter. He told me he had never felt pussy so wet, and I must be from another planet. LOL He kept saying I had alien pussy, and the sex was out of this world. I was so flattered by his compliments, I let him paint my face with his jizz!