Fantasy Phone Sex Lets Us Travel Back in Time

fantasy phone sexFantasy phone sex with my James only gets better. He spent his military leave with me, and we crammed a lot of special moments into a short time together. And the week went by way too fast. When we woke up together in bed, he told me it was his last full day of leave. And I wanted to cry. Seemed like just the other day we met at the strip club. Even though it has only been a week, I cannot help but fall for this incredibly sweet, handsome and kind military man.

I knew I had to make our last day count. We have been inseparable since we met. And I not only wanted to make this last day special, but I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. So, I planned a day outdoors showing him my beautiful city. Although he is in the military now, James almost became an architect. So, I knew he had a love for the rich and different architecture of my city. Our last day together needed to be the stuff that romantic phone sex dreams are made of.

I took him to the incline first. We rode a historic cable car up to the highest point in the city so we could overlook the rivers and see my beautiful city for miles. Although I never even finished high school, I read up on some of the history of the city to share with my James. He has a quest for knowledge and the simpler things in life that I find so sexy. We held hands, shared a kiss and took in the beauty of my city.

Even a Sexy Stripper Babe Has a Romantic Side

After that romantic start, I wanted to share with him some of my favorite places in town. So, we went to the South Side which is sort of a bohemian part of town with an eclectic array of stores, bars and restaurants. Not enough time to do it all, but what mattered to me the most was just being with James. We went into a few vintage stores where we both got flooded with fond memories from our youth. James sees me as a person, not just a hot bimbo stripper or a gfe phone sex babe. So, I wanted to show him part of me.

We had ice cream at my favorite ice cream stand, and shared memories and tidbits about each other. We walked around my city holding hands like we were the only ones there. I took him to my favorite bar which has vintage video games to play for free. I played Ms. Pac Man while he enjoyed Galaga. We sipped on adult 80s themed beverages and just let go. My heart races just being near James. But I wanted time to stand still. I was not ready to let him go yet.

I Love Spending Time with My James

For dinner, we went to my favorite Italian restaurant that has been around since the 40s. Family owned, with a rich vibrant history. Celebrities and mobsters alike have eaten here. Our conversation flowed easily as we shared a romantic meal and listened to Rat Pack music. I held his hand like I never wanted to let it go. But I did not want to let it go. After dinner we drove around time looking at old buildings, wanting to enjoy every bit of time together before he headed back home to the base.

How did a week go by so quickly? What am I supposed to do in his absence? When we went to bed, I held him tight and prayed he would be able to stay another week with me. We made plans for the future, but I will admit, I will be counting down the days to our next date.

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