Ok, so I admit it. My brat sitting gig is just a cover up for abusing some young pussy and dick. I was sitting since I was a youngster myself so parents trusted me. What they didn’t know was that I drugged and violated every one of them. If I got caught, I’d fuck the daddy too. This youthful experimentation led me down the road to my own massage parlor and to becoming a predator. A very young and innocent looking one, at that.
What better way to get my freak fix than to get into flesh peddling. I thrived on the fear in their faces, the tears and whimpers. Then I realized how much I actually enjoyed the evil that I did. So I teamed up with others like me and started this club.
Walking down the aisle of large dog crates, I checked out my merchandise. My buyers had done well. I had little sluts of all sizes. Dirty faced angels who would soon be making me money. I’d clean them up, teach them some English, give them some lessons, and the men would go crazy. I want to share my stories but they are way too wicked and naughty for these blogs. You’ll have to hear them in person.