I am going to this hot older guys apartment where a big group of us is meeting. We are going to go swimming so I guess that means my pussy will be even wetter then it is right now. I get at the apartment and I am already getting stares from a lot of the guys. I take off my shorts and my tank top and off accidently comes my bikini top!
I now have every single persons eyes on me. Fuck it right? Lets get this party started. I Get right into the pool and swim up to that guy that I have been crushing on. I straddle his lap and wrap my arms around his neck. I give him a big kiss as my tits go right into his chest. I can feel his cock poking my pussy so I slip it out of his shorts, pull my bikini bottoms off and make him slide right inside of me.
In front of everyone, I am fucking his dick and bouncing up and down squeezing his cock inside my pussy. He picks me up and gets out of the pool as I am still fucking his cock inside of me. He lays me down on the pavement. I get on all fours and spread my cheeks and pussy lips so that he can nail me from behind. Oh yeah I am so soaked! I need that sticky jizz.
I bet this wont be the only load I am getting out here on this hot and sunny day!