I love being a phone sex girlfriend. On the phone, we can fantasize about anything. I love doing all the things your wife or girlfriend won’t do. I love hearing about your day and making you feel good. I do it all the time in the strip club. A man came into the club last night. He was the lonely hearts sort of guy. Not flashy, not handsome, but looked rich. Nice suit and a Rolex that cost more than my car. He looked like he just lost his best friend, so after my set, I bought him a drink and sat down with him. He couldn’t believe someone as hot as me was giving him the time of day. Hell, yes, I was. He didn’t need to know I was focusing on the financial reward. I touched his arm, leaned in closely and let hm know he could tell me all his woes. His girlfriend left him for another man. My guess was small dick because women don’t leave a broke ass loser if he has a huge fucking cock. They do leave rich fucks for a tiny dick. Money can’t buy sexual satisfaction. A smart woman, stays with the tiny dick white man and gets some chocolate on the down low. I made him feel special. I made him feel like I cared. I did care. I cared about his money. We ended up in the VIP room. He got the rock star treatment and I got tipped enough to pay the rent. If I can make a small dicked loser feel special, image what I can do for men with big cocks and big wallets?