We all know what it is like to be different in one way or the other. This month is national Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride Month. We’ve come a long way baby from just gay and lesbian pride (I think our next addition should be Sissies) I love going to the celebrations that are in every major city now. We have so much fun darling, while we spend the month celebrating and providing support for one another. The camaraderie is really glorious! There are parades and street fairs and block parties and relay races and even high heel races! It is a real blast, my friends and I get super drunk and party and have a good time. We map out our route and we go from event to event as far as we can go and then come back up. I meet lots of new people and since I am single darling, you know I do lots of fucking and getting fucked. You really should look into coming to one of the parities, get drunk, have fun,. and get laid! Who could ask for anything more darling?