Have you ever known someone that is the complete package until it comes to bedroom skills. My first boyfriend was like that! Vinnie was tall, had beautiful green eyes, and the one of the meatiest cocks I’ve ever seen. The only problem was, he couldn’t fuck me to the edge. Every time we had sex something was wrong. Sometimes my big lips sucking on his stiff rod would turn him on so much that he would cum too soon. Another issue I had was when I would bounce this big ass back on him. He never knew how to fuck me like I liked. I truly cared about this freak and I wanted him to come to life in the sac so I instructed him on how to fuck me. We set aside a special stormy night to set the mood. The moon was out and the thunder was loud. I told him with every strike of lightening dig deeper into this pussy. Soon he was fucking me to his own rhythm and I was on the verge of cumming. With a few twist and screws in his technique it was like I build my own new Vinnie. His stroke was so perfect after our experiments it was like StrokenStein! A whole new stroke had emerged and it was just enough to push me to the limit. He had my chocolate rain down on his throbbing cock. After a while, Vinnie and I went our separate ways. However, whenever we speak he thanks me for what I have created.