This gfe phone sex T-girl is happy to take care of daddy on the phone. I have too since most of my special sugar daddies don’t live locally. I live in a big city and my local bar is a high-end hotel bar that welcomes many rich businessmen. I meet many rich sugar daddies who want nothing more than to spoil me and worship my sexy tranny cock. The travel restrictions have damaged my income and my pampered lifestyle. No getting my nails done or my hair done. I can’t go to the gym or out dancing. I can’t go on shopping sprees with sugar daddy’s credit cards. I got creative. I am a sexy shemale. I have something men want. I gave 6 sugar daddies a hot show last night. One after another, I gave them a private online showing of me jacking off my big dick. For a price of course. The sugar daddies of the world will survive the financial hit the world is taking. A sexy shemale phone sex slut like me, may not. I wanted a security blanket, so I jacked off for money. Cash deposits via cell phone apps and this special sugar baby made her long-distance lovers feel like kings of the world. Very special. I imagine it was not much different than me talking to tranny lovers on the phone. My sugar daddies are confined at home with their families. Two were jacking off in their cars from the garage, a couple beat their meat in their closets and the rest were masturbating in the bathroom. I will do what ever I need to do to stay financially stable and keep living the pamper life I love. Just like you and my sugar daddies will do whatever you need to do to get this sexy tranny cock.