I have been watching my next target. I have something special planned for her. I have a VERY good friend Rick who has … special needs. Rick likes fine cuisine. Only the freshest meat with no fillers or additives. He really cares how his meat has been raised AND killed. Its a very hard order to fill, but I have found the right hunting ground for just what he needs. There is a small community of Amish that live right out side of town. Of course finding a way to get the right one alone is VERY difficult. It takes a lot of time. However, I have learned that if you look hard enough you can find what you need. I picked the right set of girls. There was 4 in their group. I figured out that they like to go for a walk in the late afternoon. I saw them crossing the road to a farm to pick fresh fruit. I have been waiting, looking for them every day. Some days its just two girls, and some days all four. I have been waiting for my chance. To take one or two if I have to. I was just about to give up. It was getting late and I was getting impatient. When I saw one of them, alone, crossing the road. She looked upset, distracted, and I knew I wouldn’t have another chance like this. I parked my car right where she would cross to go home. I opened my trunk. I got the rag and chloroform waiting. When she came back she was giving me a wide birth when I called out for her help. She looked around worried, timidly, but she did come to help me. I told her I had a flat and couldn’t get the tire out. She came to the back of the trunk and I grabbed her. There wasn’t much of a fight. The chloroform made sure of that. I tossed her in the trunk and looked around, making sure no one could see. I got in my car and drove home. I didn’t get a good look at her till I got her home. They wear such loose dresses. I had to strip her down and scrub her from head to toe before I could see what she really looked like. She was such a prize! Younger than I thought. Stout and thick. Not flabby just thick. VERY toned. So much good meat, and 100% pure. I called Rick right away. She didn’t have to wait long. Rick showed up hungry! We decided that a clean piece of meat like this needed to be roasted slowly. He has the prefect oven. Just the right size! She will cook for hours. I am sure she will be worth it!