I have my prissy sissy with me today. He is so fun to hang out with. We go to the mall to look at makeup. Of course, being the panty pooping crossdresser that she is she complains about the store I choose. She begins to act like a fruity fag. I take her to the bathroom and bend her over my knee. I pull down her white cotton panties and begin to spank her.
She screams about how mean I am. I tell her I am doing this for her own good. I pull out my cock holder. I adjust it to her teenie weenie clit size. I place it on her. She complains it hurts. I tell her to stop being such a poopie pansy as I tighten it up. We head back out to the mall. She complains all the way home about not getting any makeup. I tell her it’s her own fault. She folds her arms and pouts. What I prissy sissy she is.