Do you want a shemale phone sex star for Christmas? Now is the time to make your holiday wish list. I am all about the naughty boys. The ones who instead of getting nothing for Christmas get a sexy tranny cock up their assholes. I started early this year. Normally, it is 12 days of giving this sexy tranny cock. Maybe it is the pandemic that is making me more gracious. I want to give back to all the assholes, small dick loser and mean boys. Good old boy types do not usually go for a special girl like me. In fact, they go out of their way to make life miserable for women in general. I am hoping these types of men will soon crawl back under their rocks. I will not let any man shame or humiliate me. I am a shemale domination porn star. I do not put up with naughty boys. I set Paul up. Catfished him on a dating site. The fucking asshole did the back handed compliments before we even had a date. You know what I am talking about, right? The compliment followed by an insult which nullifies the compliment. I am a dominant tranny. I do not let men boss me around, try to weaken my self-worth or own me. When Paul saw my sexy tranny cock, he responded exactly how I expected he would. I had to use my strength and a few leather restraints, but I gave that proud boy exactly what he deserved. A hardcore ass fucking. He screamed, so I put a ball gag in his mouth. I do have neighbors. Although it is nothing they have not heard before. I have a ten-inch cock. After a few minutes, I broke through his resistance. Typical of men like him. So many guys bitch and moan about special girls or the LBGTQ community, but once they get a big dick up their ass, they change their tune. Paul was day one on my naughty list. Who will be number two?
Oh I so want to be number two.