My sister and I got into a little trouble last month. Got pretty drunk and caused some havoc with her ex boyfriend and got arrested for public intoxication. Now we have community service. Don’t get me wrong, I would much rather be cleaning up the highway than spending time in jail. My sister is appalled actually that she has to do this, so afraid of being seen by some one she knows. We are both BBWs, but she is very conservative. She has only been with 3 men in her life, goes to church every Sunday and votes Republican. I was a bad influence on her last month and got her drunk and suggested we write cheating pig on his Ferrari in lipstick. And now here we are sweating our big beautiful titties off cleaning up trash.
Today when we were working, I found a guy passed out in a grocery cart behind some trees. OMG he reeked too. Obviously a drunk homeless man. His clothes were tattered and dirty and he had not had a bath probably since Bush was in office. I called my sister over. I mean she is Miss Goody Two Shoes normally so I thought she might know of a shelter that would take him. I was quite shocked at her reaction to him. She wanted to take him home. I’m not talking take him home to offer him a warm meal and hot shower. She wanted to take him home to offer him a warm pussy-hers! I thought I was gonna gag. How in the hell could you want to fuck a dirty old hobo who likely was bacteria ridden and clueless about the true color of his skin as it was caked thick with dirt. Obviously my conservative sister harbors some dark secrets.
Come to find out there is something called hoboeroticism. There are apparently folks out there with a strong sexual attraction to homeless men. Now, I like a dirty old man, but not literally. My sister was mesmerized by this dude. She really does have a dirty secret. She even tried to wake him by rubbing her big old boobs all over him. The woman that yells at me for having one night stands was trying to get jiggy with a foul smelling bum? Just when I thought I had seen it all. It was like watching a train wreck, I was in shock and awe over what was going on. She lifted her top up and rubbed her tits all over his face. Her boobs got covered in grime. Gag. Next thing I know she is unzipping his pants and stroking his pecker. I’m like put that down, you don’t know where it has been. I mean seriously would you pick up a half eaten sandwich on the ground and eat it? NO!!!!! I was gonna hurl until I saw the size of that thing. That hobo had about a foot long cock. Gave new meaning to Hobo with a shotgun. Now, I was tempted, but I couldn’t do it. I offered her some hand wipes and said go for it. My sister needed big dick in a bad way. I would have preferred clean big dick, but to each his own.
At least now that I know my Bible thumping sister is a freak, she can lay off lecturing me on my random hook ups. I could fuck 20 strangers in a night and never come close to getting lice or bed bugs or hell fleas. You think you know someone until you see them going down on a dirty hobo in a shopping cart. Glad to know I can still be shocked. So what strange sex fetish do you have? Bet it doesn’t beat my sister’s!