Oh, baby you looked stressed. You know that I can give you exactly what you need to feel relaxed. A nice massage? You know the kind with the happy ending? Maybe you need more? A trip around the world, with me, your obedient Asian slut. Let me start by taking you into my massage room, stripping you down and putting you chest first on the table. I put the warm oil across your back and start rubbing you. Working my tiny hands deep into your tight muscles. Then I go farther.
My hands still covered with warm oil I start to massage your ass, and then your thighs, then your inner thighs and finally my little hand cups your balls and gently squeezes. Oh baby, you are so tight, you need a release. I turn you over. Your cock is sticking straight up. I pull out the oil and let it glide down your mushroom head. I wrap my hands around it and start jerky jerkying you. You love that. I let me robe drop, showing you my naked body. Your cock is rock hard and leaking now. I put my soft tongue across the head and lick it off. I push my finger inside your tight asshole as I open my mouth wide and take your cock deep.