You had spent the night out drinking with the boys and stumbled in pretty wasted early in the morning. I helped you out of your clothes and you passed the fuck out the minute your head hit the pillow. You were still out of it when I awoke. You were laying on your back with one of your hands on the corner post of the bed. That was when my wicked little plan popped into my head. I pulled out the fuzzy covered hand cuffs and hand cuffed you to the corner post on the bed. All I had to do now is wait for you to wake up. Then you would be my to play with and tease however I please. I do fuckin love to tease you. Just thinking about it makes my cunt so hot and wet. I think that I will pull out my vibrator and start fucking my hot wet cunt inches from your face. I am willing to bet that between the smell of my juicy wet cunt and the sound of my vibrator you will wake up in no time. I wonder how hard your cock is going to get watching me play with my soaking wet cunt. I can’t wait to hear you beg for me to play with your big hard throbbing cock.