Mommy phone sex is not all about good fucking! I mean yeah.. My little ones get FUCKED. They get stretched opened and used like the little cum sluts they are. I wish that was all it was. I wish I could just make a quick buck and watch them fuck! But… I am still a mommy. And that means that sometimes when my little ones are.. BAD, or when they don’t listen. Then I have to punish them. I try to make the punishment fit the crime… Like telling me no when it comes to some sex act. Well that gets her tied down and fucked till she gets used to it. Smarting off to me gets a well paddled bare bottom. And of course not being grateful to all the men who pays mommy, That gets her double or triple penetrated. A few hours of that and she will be very grateful! It is so important for a mommy to lay the law down.