I looked at him. I could see the longing in his eyes. He was feeling the same thing I was. Beth was my friend, but God her husband was SOOO Hot!! We kept watching each other from across the room. I hadn’t had sex in SO LONG! I had been divorced for over a year now. No one had even interested me, since that time. What was it about him that I couldn’t seem to resist? Was it his pale blue eyes that seemed to draw me in, or those well manicured hands that I wanted all over my body. Either way, I had to have him. As everyone sat down at the table to eat, he eased in the chair beside me. He started with small talk; I’m not even sure now what he was saying, because all I could think about was the aching and yearning in my wet pussy. When he accidentally brushed his leg up against mine, I could feel a jolt of electricity course through my entire body. Everyone was oblivious, except for us. A freshly starched white tablecloth hung to the tops of our legs, and with the way the table was positioned in the corner of the room, no one could see when he slid his hand between my legs. His eyes showed surprise… instead of panties, his fingers met the moistness of my freshly shaved snatch. Yes, I wanted him to snatch me up! Throw me across that table and give me a good pussy pounding. Instead, I quietly succumbed to his probing fingers. All along everyone was laughing and talking all around us. He knew exactly how to touch me, to make me squirm. I squeezed my legs tightly around his hand. His fingers slide so deep inside my pussy! When I reached over, I could feel the head of his cock protruding from the top of his shorts. He was rock hard. I could feel pre cum oozing out. I wanted to taste it SO BAD! But all I could do is start madly stroking his hard dick! I could feel him slip one more finger in my pussy and that was all I could take. I started cumming so hard on his fingers! And he started cumming so hard. It shot from under the table and landed on his plate. Everyone looked over at us! And he said excuse me I cant believe I sneezed so hard. I don’t think anyone believed him. But everyone started laughing and went back to talking! That was a close call!