This little bitch boy wanted to eat my perfect cream pie pussy, he saw me get fucked by my stud so he was over in his corner practically drooling and begging me to lick it all up. Well what had he done to earn that privilege? Nothing! All he did was sit over there bitching and whining that he hadn’t gotten to play too! Why should I reward that behavior?? I told my stud to go shut him up so he went over there and shoved his cock down little bitch boy’s throat and that loser had the nerve to start gagging. Ugh there is NOTHING I hate more than hearing someone gag and choke! I can’t stand that wet gross noise the only thing worse is hearing someone chew their food. So I walked over there and slapped him and told him he needed to act like a fucking gentleman and learn to relax his damn throat and not subject me to nasty noises. He had to practice until he could do it without gagging and until then that little bitch wasn’t going to get to lick my pussy and he would suffer with blueballs too.