When i heard my parents talking about my little cousin cumming over to visit my body reacted right away. I take pride in molding and grooming the up and cumming females in our family and my cousin was ripe for the picking. At her age the peach fuzz on her young pussy is just starting to darken and get thicker. The smell and taste of pussy that age is changing as well thanks to hormones and development. Now is the perfect time for the first lesson in sexual awareness and arousal and it comes in the form of guided masturbation. Teaching a budding flower about the things her body can do keeps my cunt nice and juicy wet. The first time I give a guided masturbation lesson I make sure to start slow, standing her in front of a dressing mirror, instructing her to touch her self. It always starts gingerly with a bit of shyness but my guided masturbation encourages the exploration and soon she is pinching nipples, twirling them between her fingers, laying on her back and watching as her fingers slide in and out of her virginal pussy. When she is comfortable I will lay between her legs and set a fire in her groin until she has her first orgasm in my mouth. Lesson one will be over and lesson two will teach her how to return the favor and please me.