I have the boobs built for big tit fucking. Check them out. I love to flaunt them. I was stuck in traffic yesterday. Awful traffic too. Some accident had us in a stand still. I entertained myself flashing my big tits to the guy in the Ford pick-up truck next to me. Normally, a man with truck balls and furry dice hanging from his rear view mirror would not be my type. I am not a redneck girl. But I was willing to change my tune once he pulled out his cock and started stroking it for me. It was broad daylight. There were other cars around, but in the position, he was in, I was the only one who could see his massive dick. He was big like Tommy Lee big. I think he could have driven the car with his cock if he wanted. Folks were getting out of their cars and stretching their legs. We had an ETA of 45 minutes before traffic would flow again. They had to clear the accident site. I felt bad that a semi-truck flipped causing a multi car pileup, but the powers that be work in mysterious ways. I was meant to titty fuck that redneck with the truck balls. He hopped into my SUV with me. I rolled up the windows because they are tinted and gave him the titty fucking phone sex fantasy he has always wanted. My boobs are great barometers for big cock. If your dick can maneuver through my 44 EEES and still find it’s way into my mouth, you have a porn star cock, and I am happy to let you fuck me. I thought he might cum on my tits, but he wanted to fuck me. I am a big gal, and he was no shrimp, so it was awkward, but we made the best out of the situation. I got cum, he got to cum and in no time, traffic was flowing again. I never got Mr. Truck Balls’ name, but I got something better. I got his cum.
Those are some nice tits ma
let me suck your nipples