I literally had hot ass sex yesterday. Big Daddy King took me to get my tramp stamp tattoo that reads property of Big Daddy King. Now, he is THE KING, so only the best tattoo artist in the world could ink his new bimbo. He got the guys from the TV show Ink Masters to brand me. We originally thought a tat would look great on my ass. Big Daddy King is very fond of my ass, so it seemed fitting that it be branded with is name. But, I am proud to be his bitch. I want other girls to know who owns me so we decided on a tramp stamp. I also want all those loser white boys constantly hitting on me to know I am off limits. I was laying on my stomach getting inked while my daddy teased me with his Anaconda. This was all being filmed too so folks could see what a bitch is willing to do for her King. My eyes got so big when I saw the man sleeve. It was feeding time for me. Seeing his humongous cock poking out of its sleeve at me, made me forget all about the pain of getting inked. I begged my King to let me worship the Anaconda while getting branded. He is such a benevolent King too. He granted my wish. I slurped and sucked on the best cock, the only cock in the world for me while getting my tramp stamp so everyone knows I belong to a king, THE KING. I was lucky that Big Daddy King loved the tattoo so much he fucked me on the table with the cameras running in front of the celebrity ink masters. We made a wicked hot porn for the world to see. I am proud to be owned by The King. I will do anything for him.