When you look like a blonde bombshell, hot ass sex is what guys want from you. I could have gone two ways looking like me. I could have been a classy socialite who married well and never worked. Think trophy wife. Or, I could be classy when I must be, but a bimbo most of the time. I think bimbos have more fun. We certainly get bigger cocks. I could be a trophy wife, but I enjoy being a stripper and dirty chat operator. It allows me to be me. I don’t have to pretend to be monogamous and worry if I will get caught cheating and make my pre nup null and void like my best friend. She married a much older man who is rich as fuck. He has an old dick that rarely works. She is in her sexual prime and needs to fuck. She uses my pad as her cheating palace. Her and her latest boy toy were over last night while I was at the strip club. I came home and noticed a car I knew parked a few houses down. Took me a few moments to remember that the car belonged to a private investigator. He was watching me a few years ago because I was banging some wealthy married man and his wife wanted to catch him with his mistress. I may be a bimbo, but I am smart. I drove past the car discreetly and pulled around back. I told my friend and devised a plan. She took my car and I went out front with her boy toy, so it looked like I was with him. I gave him head in my driveway and fucked him in his car. It was after 3 am, but I put on a good show for the PI. I am an exhibitionist anyway. The way it would appear was that my friend was spending the night, but the stud belonged to me. The PI knows I enjoy fucking, so he could report back to my friend’s hubby that the I am the dirty whore, not his wife. The truth is we are both dirty whores, just I am the one not married. I plan to keep it that way so I can fuck who I want when I want.