I am ready to celebrate the new year this year. My dad is having a work party and I know the people from his work pretty well. I am going to dress really whorish because I am in need of getting my holes fucked. I think I will wear some high heals that are black with sparkles and I black dress that is super tight and sexy. I want everyone to see my tits pooping out and my nice legs. My dad has some work friends that have the hots for me and I think this would be an awesome experience to get some dick. While my daddy is entertaining all of his friends I am going to invite one into my room where I am going to shimmy off my pink g-string and let him penetrate my cunt hold. I can’t wait to have him thrust in and out of my holes. I am going to try and bite my lips hard so that way I don’t moan my ass off while getting my pussy fucked by his friends. I wouldn’t want to get them in trouble. Plus I don’t want this to be the last time I get a grown older man to penetrate me. We just have to make sure that I clean up all the cum really well. I am going to leave no evidence behind.