This little bitch always tries to say he hates being a cuck, he cries and moans and bitches about never getting to fuck me but he’s so full of shit his breath stinks. His lil clitty is rock hard every time I humiliate him and if he really hated watching me fuck my lovers why does he keep coming back time after time? He has to know that I will never fuck him, his cock is too small to even be called a cock why would I fuck that?? I only fuck dicks that are 10 inches or more offering me anything less is an insult and you should be ashamed of yourself. I make my cuck compare his pathetic little 2 inch long wannabe dick to my lover’s massive cock all the time and he acts like it’s so unfair, he even tried to tell me that all white men have small dicks, only black men have huge ones! Well I laughed him out of the room on that one! Just because my current lover has a big black cock doesn’t mean that all white dicks are small, I know lots of white men with big thick cocks. My cucky is just ashamed of his lil white peepee that’s all.