Happy Thanksgiving to all you sissy fairy faggot pay piggies! Today is the day where you give thanks for all that you are happy for and I know that I am up at the top of your list. Why wouldn’t I be? Who else gives you the humiliation that you crave so much? Who else allows you to dress up the way you want to dress up? Not your wives that’s for sure! I allow you to explore your feminine side, I allow you to be the little dick sucking faggot that you were always meant to be so now is the time for you to show all of your gratitude! It is time for you to get your big girl panties on and get to shopping for your Goddess! I want tributes, I want gifts, I want to see just how thankful you really are! Are you ready to show me how grateful you are to have me? I sure hope so because if you aren’t then your next punishment will be very harsh!