Every once in a while even a P Mom needs to get out with the girls and just go clubbing and get fucked up. Who would of thought that some of my girls could get so fucking bombed that they became fucking blonde. We had a great night at the club and drank a whole hell of a lot. It was a miracle we could walk. We picked up some dick in our drunken state. And decided to take our drunk and horny asses to their place and cap the evening off with a good stiff fuck. Two of them, three of us, it was a great ratio. I decided to record our walk home just because we were all being that stupid drunk silly and I wanted to watch it together the next day and laugh at ourselves. To be honest the next day I barley remember recording the damned thing. As we sat there watching it and laughing our asses off the priceless moment came. We were stumbling home and one of my girls looked to the night sky. Staggering she said, look at the big beautiful moon. Isn’t it pretty? My other friend looked up at the full moon and we are all laughing, she says that isn’t the moon that is the sun. Everyone is laughing like hell, staggering down the road when a stranger starts walking up to us, obviously sober as fucking hell. MY girls nab him up and ask him, hey buddy is that the sun or the moon right there. The idiot looks up and back at us and says, man I don’t know I am not from here. In our video we are all scoffing him, in our drunk state, sitting there sober the next day we almost peed ourselves laughing. I can only hope that he knew we were drunk and was just fucking with us. but let me tell you he looked both sober and serious to us…he defiantly doesn’t need to drink!