I love gfe phone sex calls. Even the most submissive woman enjoys being spoiled and pampered too, right? As Covid cases soar again, the club has been curbed again. Not shut down, but limited hours and capacity cut down again. Men are not sneaking off for a lap down like they once were. They are, however, hiring sexy escorts. I got on a few special arrangement sites to supplement my income and that income has been steady. It is amazing how many men pay just to talk to a pretty girl. A few of my “dates” have not even wanted sex. It is not they do not want to bang me. It is more about not wanting to risk Covid. In my mind, if we are sitting on a couch together not 6-feet apart, fucking is not going to make things worse. But I am happy to listen and collect money. Easy money if you ask me. I feel like I went from stripper to phone sex therapist. I have dabbled in escorting occasionally, but this is the most I have done it in a steady time period. Escorting in the age of Covid might be the name of my tell all book in the future. Oh, I will not name names. I am all about discreetness. I have heard a lot and a lot from some high and mighty rollers in the community. A well-known pastor confessed whet he did to his daughter when she was a teen girl. A big time lawyer confided in me about the she cock he likes to get on the down low. A local politician asked for my help being a panty boy. I am happy to learn about all the kinky fetishes men have on and off the phone. I can be you gfe, your therapist or your naughty whore.