Fucking myself in the same spot they fucked that bitch up. Just thinking about how they held her up by her throat, watching her try to breath while she jerked their cocks and they spewed jizz all over her. She stopped crying a long time ago and resigned herself to her fate. A gang bang that was rough and deserving of a teasing little stripper slut. Be very careful who you fuck with out there because you never know what will happen when you tease the wrong people. My pussy wouldn’t stop squirting juices while I watched her being taught a lesson that she wouldn’t soon forget and today I sit here and remember it all in detail while I continue to squirt cum all over the place. I wonder what they did with her after they were done. I think in a few days I will hit the strip club and see if the bitch is still around or if they snuffed her and got rid of the teasing slut once and for all.