What’s a girl to do? Make you my bitch boy that’s what.
So you have this sweet little crush on me and I finally talk to you. And what a fucking mistake! Your worst than a pathetic female, and your annoying the hell out of me with your clinginess. I say hi and a little chitchat and whoa!! What the Hell? I AM NOT your girlfriend. That’s just hilarious!
Oh LOOK, he’s all upset because I had something more important than him to do and by the way… I’m a married woman BITCH! You start whining at me in another email after being supposedly done contacting me. Awwe, boys are so silly and THAT’S why my dear little bitch that you will always be enslaved.
You really do need a real woman in your life. Contacting me again to tell me I’m the reason guys go gay and hate women. Well you are partially right, bitch boy and I will be surprising you with a visit. I have you groveling and ashamed for being so pathetic and I need to finish what I started.
How exactly do you propose I teach you your place?