You shot those cum shots on tits and missed my mouth as you unloaded that throbbing cock onto me. I love seeing cum shoot out in ropes down the middle of my chest forming a river. Oh I love when a wild fun night of play ends with cum anywhere and everywhere. I prefer my holes but your pull-out game tonight was going strong. I guess telling you your young student wasn’t on birth control made you afraid to shoot that load up in me like you had this morning and so many times before.
You really aren’t trying to have one of your students have your offspring, but I am not tryin to take no damn pill every day. In fact, it’s usually my best part of sex. Who doesn’t love feeling a cock deep inside your cunt start to thrust into me deeper and deeper. When your cock starts to twitch, pulsate and throb, it happens. By it, I mean my cunt tightens up, my body braces for impact, my pussy starts pulsating with you in it. So your nerves are twitching at each other as you are on the verge of the best feeling ever, a hot sexy orgasm.
When you aren’t cumming in my pussy however, I am not against deepthroating and choking on a cock, or two, or more. You know what I mean, don’t like leaving anyone out of having their cock in my mouth. The more the merrier most nights. I witll take control of that cock with my mouth, hold the base of that cock as I lick all over your balls and start jacking and sucking simaltanously. I love being a little cum whore getting cum out of balls. The ones that are needing to be drained the most are what I specialize in.
But for tonight, I’ll rub this sticky, yummy, creamy cum on my tits in a yummy pile to play with. My fingers dipping into it then feeding you your own cum, because why? We can!