Cheap phone sex slut Janie

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Wanna have some cheap phone sex fun and talk dirty to me until my little whore cunt is gushing and soaking my panties? I’m a nasty slut with no limits and endless fantasies about getting my wet, sloppy hole used. I’m craving a naughty cuck call right now but that could change depending on what you want to do with me. If you’re a mini dick loser like that last caller, then I’m going to make you listen to the story of my last bbc gangbang. You can rub that little button dickie while I talk about the fat, girthy fuck poles that I like to squirt all over and how they filled my cunnie and asshole and then glazed my face and tits with gallons of cum. My clit is throbbing just thinking about the feeling of being thrusted and fucked so hard that my knees get all bruised up and bloody from carpet burn. I want to be soaked in so many hot, gooey loads that I look like a literal cum rag with it dripping from my face and running down my body. I just need a mini dick, closet fag like you there suckling my clit and tonguing my juices off of the dick I’m riding on. You can start by being a fluffer fag for me. That wasn’t a choice, it was a command. Get on your knees and let me feed you that bbc! I want you to drain my stud’s balls so that he’ll last an extra long time when I start popping my tight pussy up and down on it. I’ll smack it across your face and then rub the head all over your lips so you can taste the precum. I’ll flick and tease your flaccid, little weenie while you’re throating bigger cocks than you ever thought possible. Just you wait until that cum cannon is blasting down your throat and you have no choice but to swallow it all up!


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