Do you like bbw phone sex girls? You are not alone! So many guys love a thick and juicy girl. Some prefer curvy girls like me; others want two tons of fun. What do you prefer? Mike and Tony like girls like me. I am a sexy BBW. I have big tits and a fat ass, but I am not buying my clothes at a tent shop either. I was out clubbing with some girlfriends last night. I wanted to have fun on a Thursday night. No strings attached fun. I didn’t have a threesome in mind, however. It just sort of happened. Mike and Tony were friends. They came to the club together. They both eyed me and decided I was the hottest girl in the club. They bought me drinks and I took turns dirty dancing with them until the club closed. At that point, Tony asked me to pick one of them. He insisted whomever I wanted to fuck more, the other would be cool with my decision. I liked that either way, no one’s feelings would be hurt. I wanted both men. “Why do I have to choose? I can take you both home,” I purred. They high fived each other, then we were back at my place fucking. It has been a while since I have had a tag team. At first, they were awkward about seeing each other naked, but they forgot all their concerns when they saw my wet bald pussy and big tits. I straddled Tony, so he could fuck my pussy. I told Mike to take my ass. He spit on his dick and shoved it in. Having a cock in my ass and cunt at the same time feels amazing. They loved sharing the hottest girl in the club together. I am a tad sore this morning, but I think I will be sharing those two friends again very soon.