Fucking hell yeah Mother Fucker! That had to be the party of the year and I was the center of attention with upwards of fifty cocks unloading on and in me. The Rave was a real fucking rager in this shit college town and I bet I am more popular than ever now!
The Mollies I took had me fucking FLYING and man that shit makes me just completely let LOOSE! There is no holding back on my cock obsession and love for cum when I got the molly, booze and cock everywhere. I vaguely recall standing over one guys face and just pissing on him. He was a champ at cleaning the golden nectar off my lips also. The night wasn’t made until I got my pussy double stuffed, my ass filled with a fat cock and both hands stroking cock as I took turns on each head licking all around them until I got a mouth and face coated in cum.
You won’t leave me wanting more cock now will you? I have a strap on also and can host your deepest pleasures at the end of my dick. So don’t you fucking DARE be shy.